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Pardon our dust while we finish construction

These guys are growin' like weeds

The first group of links are to photos from the past 18 months or so. I've flip-floped the chronology amongst the groups of links on this page, sorry about that, I'll fix it soon: (or maybe not)

May 2003 (I'll fill in the gap from Spring '02 soon, promise!)

April 2002

Assorted Spring 2002 Photos

Bear Valley 2002 & Umpah

Various Q4 2001 photos

Family Portrait c. June 2001

Here are the links for the first batch of Kenny's pics: (oldest first)

Heeerrreeee's Kenny!!!

WC Babysitting Corp & an impostor!!

Kenny & Mary made an instant connection

Binkie sharing & Aunt Nicky

Here's what Mickey & Goofy had to contend with...

The links below this point are from the pre-Kenny days: (newest first)

Our little astronaut

Our little Fashion Princess

Mary likes birthday parties

Kicking back in the backyard

Mary's a bit of a waterbug.

Mary Turns One Year Old

Mary Goes Camping in Yosemite

Mommy's Special Page

Baseball, critters & girl's talk.

More from the May trip back east.

Mary has smiles for everyone

Mary's road trip

Mary Spring 2000

These are things I'll teach my brother to do:

  • Pull the dog's tail
  • Get food in his hair, when he gets some
  • Trundle up to top heavy objects and tug on 'em

My Favorite Web Sites

National Review, nobody says it better
Little Green Footballs - helping to make the world an idiot free place
Mary and Kenny's new ad free site!!

  • Michael Moore's an asshat click below to confirm:
    "Miserable Failure" Moore