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Penny For Your Thoughts


I guess I'll start with my father. His name is Lich and you could say he's the hardest working person I know. He's often a little strict, but all in all he's at the top list of the best dads for sure. My mother's name is Hai and she can be a little flaky but I love her a lot. She hates it when I touch her nose, but I do it cause I get the funniest reactions. My little sister's name is Angela. She's really cool; she just doesn't like me touching her. She just likes to scream is my explanation for it. As siblings go Angela and I get along really well. I have lots of family members. There are 10+ aunts and uncles on my mom's side of my family and 10+ on my father's side, so I have tons of cousins. The closest cousins I have are Quan and Khanh. They're both about my age, and I've basically known them all my life. They're my family, but they're my best friends too. I don't think I remember a single bad time when I was with them. When it comes to family I think we're pretty close-knit. I have had a lot of good experiences and memories through my family. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my them, and I'm positive the sentiment is mutual.

Home Page

Family Ties

As I look into a mirror, I see

not only the face that reflects,

but I see the faces of all those

who have shaped and molded

me into who I am today.

Family forever ties you to the

past, sticks with you on your

present journey, and leads you

into the unknown future.

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