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Tripp's Life
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Penny For Your Thoughts


My real name is Martin. I got my nickname Tripp a long time ago in middle school, but it's an embarassing story, so no, you can't know where it came from. I was born in Myrtle Beach, SC. I've lived there all my life. I like to do a variety of things for leisure. Currently I'm starting to play the guitar. I've had that guitar for so long and finally started making an effort to practice. I'm probably the most laid back and worry-free person you'll ever meet. I love to have a good time, and I'll always be there if a friend needs me to be. What else can I include to fill up space. I can draw pretty well, and you can check out some of my art on link provided to the left. I have the tendency to buy something if I like it, in reason of course but still unnecessary. I don't really know what else to include here. If you want to know, then you'll just have to ask. Check out my other links and just enjoy your life. No one else is going to enjoy it for you.

Home Page

Know Thyself

If you cannot understand

yourself, then you cannot begin

to understand other people. So

before you pass judgement on

other people, you should learn

to pass judgement on yourself.

For the battles in life cannot

truly begin until you have the

courage to strike down upon

your own inadequacies.

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