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Egyptian Dynasty

    The story of ancient Egypt has survived for thousands of years. Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations of the past. The monuments and tombs of their Pharaohs continue to stand today. They are over 4,000 years old. Egypt is situated in the northeast corner of the Africa. A large river called the River Nile flows through the country into the Mediterranean Sea. It flows for 960 miles (1545 km). This river allowed the Ancient Egyptian civilization to survive and grow. Egypt is mainly made up of hot deserts and receives little rainfall. The people of Ancient Egypt mummified the bodies of their dead. They would remove the internal organs and use oils on the body. They would wrap the body in cloth. Items belonging to the dead person would be buried with them and also things that were believed to be needed in the afterlife. Some of the Pharaohs would build elaborate tombs called pyramids. They would be buried with their riches. Over the years, many of these tombs have been robbed and destroyed, but some have been found and preserved by archaeologists. The Ancient Egyptian form of writing was known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics were pictures that represented words or phrases. The pictures told a story, just like modern letters, when together form words and words form sentences. The sentences give information or tell a story.

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