7.1.3.A: Identify how basic geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places and environment.
7.1.3.B: Identify and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
7.2.3.A: Identify the physical characteristics of places and regions.
7.2.3.B: Identify the basic physical processes that affect the physical characteristics of places and regions.
7.3.3.A: Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria:
• Population
• Culture
• Settlement
• Economic activities
• Political activities
8.1.3.A: Identify the difference between past, present and future using timelines and/or other graphic representations.
8.1.3.B: Identify fact, opinion, multiple points of view, and primary sources as related to historical events.
8.1.3.C: Conduct teacher guided inquiry on assigned topics using specified historical sources.(Reference RWSL Standard 1.8.3 Research)
8.4.3.A: Identify the elements of culture and ethnicity.
8.4.3.B: Identify the importance of artifacts and sites to different cultures and ethnicities.
8.4.3.C: Compare and contrast selected world cultures.