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The touring adventures of One Step Back

Tour Diary

7/28/00- Nothing yet because we haven't left. Soon, though...soon.

7/29/00- Tonight we played in Mobile at this old movie theater. At first we went to the wrong old movie theater but then we got our bearings and went to the right one. The show was really cool. More people showed up than I expected would and we were able to rock out at a maximum level. Simpleton rocked too, all you people attending the Morella's Forest show tomorrow are in for a treat. Ah, I love playing Mobile. Well, tomorrow it's off early in the morning for I'm going and getting some rest. Adios Muchachos.

7/30/00- *Casey says*-So here we are, driving for six hours to get to Ocala in the pouring rain and we show up at this old garage-turned-"concert hall" for the show. So we get there and NO ONE is there. No promoter, no staff people from the venue, NO ONE. So Scott calls this girl who is supposedly putting on this "show" and her Dad or some guy says she'll be there in 2 hours to sort things out. So we wait and she shows up and basically says, "You guys are out of luck. I'm broke, you don't get any money. Bye" So here we are in Tampa a week early and, surprisingly, we're all in good spirits. We had some uplifting moments courtesy of Ben and we're all getting along really well. The guys play here tommorow night and hopefully we'll get some better response. We'll keep in touch. Good night.
*Scott says*-Ok, so today we were excited to leave cause it was like the first "official" day of touring. We started driving and we hit like a hurricane or something. It was so bad some people pulled off the road causing us to almost hit them. We stopped at a gas station and noticed our van was close to exploding. We encouraged it not to explode and moved on towards Ocala. We finally got to Ocala and no one was at the place we were supposed to play. We panicked and sat on some steps in front of a recording studio which prompted threats from onlookers. They may have had a gun but we didn't want to find out. We eventually learned that the girl who had set up the show hadn't set it up at all because some girl had been checking her email for a month or something. It's weird. Anyhoots, after a few minutes of blowing off steam we decided to head to Tampa where we're sleeping at Aaron's Grandmother's house. It's nice and quiet here. We got a show tomorrow and God-willing it will be better than tonight. Alright. Bye.

7/31/00- Part 1*Scott says*- Tonight we're in Tampa playing at the New World Brewery. Actually, technically we're in Ybor City, which is like downtown Tampa or something. We got to the venue and sure enough, they assured us there was a show tonight. Thank God. The venue is this really cool brewery/eatery place with a patio area outside that we're playing on. They gave us free pizza, so we knew everything was ok. Anyways, Greg and I were walking around downtown and saw this place and snuck in. We're at Hillsborough Community College stealing internet time. Speaking of Greg, he got his ears pierced today then whined for a while about how much they hurt. We went to Sam Ash which is like a huge music store and made alot of noise on the electronic drums, it was neat. As soon as we left Sam Ash we hit the same hurricane we drove through yesterday except this time it seemed alot worse. What fun, eh? Well, we haven't actually played yet, but I'll try to let everyone know how well it went. Work it
Part 2- *Casey says*- So the kids played a good show tonight. Good stuff. Too bad nobody saw it. We got payed though so who cares, right? Tonight we are staying at the Humphrey residence. Good people. We're still having a good time. We have 2 days off which we will spend in lovely Gainsville so as to preserve Aaron's sanity. After that comes the second half of the tour where there might be 2 more shows. Looking forward to it. Later kids.*Scott says*- What can I say? After we left the Community college we were bored for a long time until the show started. We were told there were two other bands playing and when they showed up we were scared. They were like Death metal and looked intimidating but turned out to be super-nice guys. So we started playing at about 9:30 to the two other bands. All the people inside didn't really care. The two death metal bands actually decided not to play because of the lack of people. As we were loading up the same hurricane hit us again, forcing us to hang at the venue longer. It eventually died down and we moved on the house we're crashing at tonight which belongs to a friend of Casey's parents. Pretty nice. And tomorrow we're off to Gainesville for a few days of hanging at UF. I hope it's fun. The second half of the tour is coming after those two days and we all know it will be much, much better. Sleep tight.

8/2/00- *Scott says*- Well, here we are, our second night in Gainesville. Know what I realized? I really hate this place. Anyhoots, the day started out eventful. Greg and I stole some ice for our cooler from the hotel we were staying at. After that, we went to this big library downtown that was all fancy but soon found that boring and left. We went to the mall and that was pretty boring too. So here we are now, wasting time. Last night was pretty fun. Aaron visited Anne while the other 5 of us went into downtown Gainesville and asked people if we could play. We went to this place called Common Grounds which is kind of like the Java Pit. Anyways, we finally got a show in Deland tomorrow which will be good. After Deland the tour is pretty well stacked so we're all happy to be playing music again. We're all kind of cranky today because everyone claims they didn't get enough sleep. I guess they're right, we slept good but just not long enough. Oh well, we will rest soon. In any case, I see that the hurricane has now started up again, so I guess I'll leave you at this. Bye.

8/5/00- *Scott says*- I tried to write something yesterday at the Jacksonville public library but it didn't work. I was mad. I was thinking of calling this the One Step Back library tour. So far we've been to libraries in Tampa, Gainesville (2 in Gainesville actually) and Jacksonville. Speaking of Jacksonville we played there last night to about 10 people. There were more people there but they all left to watch some band called Inspection 12. Doesn't matter we still rocked just the same. Sadly, it was Greg's last show on tour with us, he had to go home to attend to pressing personal matters. We were all sad at his departure and miss him. But the tour goes on and we will deliver rock with two guitars and no bass. Today we're in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina at Slacker77. Slacker is a cool indie record shop that also has shows in it. I really like it at Slacker. I hate Myrtle Beach but Slacker is cool. Anyways, we haven't played yet but I'm sure it will be a pretty cool show. I'll let you guys know how it goes later on.

8/7/00- *Scott says*- So here we are in Marietta at yet another public library. Neat, huh. We played last night at The Vineyard church with our new best friends in JR. Clad. They are great. We stayed up way past our bed times and talked about boys. Boys are cute. Aaron had to go to the hospital yesterday. His eyes were burning. We took him to one hospital and they said "we can't treat you here". Then we went to another and they said "we can't treat you here". Finally we got to one that said "we will treat you here". Turns out Aaron has a virus called Photokeratitis. I read all about it in the pamphlet they gave him and felt enlightened. Anyways, the shows have been going really good even without bass and we're all in good moods. I need to call my girlfriend. Steph, I love you.

8/8/00- Part 1-*Scott says*- Well, we decided to drive to Nashville last night at about 8:30 and ended up in Nashville at about 1 a.m. We met up with Melissa who is a super-nice, super-cool person who is right now letting us raid her house and lounge around. This place is huge. It has like 3 stories, an elevator and it's own subway system. The pantry is a mile long. Melissa offered us cold pizza. After I ate two slices she told me she thought it was the same pizza that made her vomit all night. That didn't offer much comfort, but my stomach is full for now at least. Anyway, last night we slept in an icy tundra known as the Econo Lodge, it was freezing. Plus all the members of Jr. Clad stayed in there with us. Eight people, one room. But it was fun. On the way to Nashville Aaron fell asleep and said "El fud" while he was sleeping. Later he claimed he didn't remember doing it. Speaking of Aaron, his photokeratitis is pretty much cleared up and his eyes look much better. Anyway, we got a show tonight at the IndieNet which should be alot of fun. I hear it's a really cool venue and we're stoked to play it. So I'll run now. Let you know more later
Part 2- *Scott says*- Well, we played the IndieNet tonight and had a grand old time. We played for six people I think. All that aside, it was alot of fun. Jr Clad rocked yet again. I was happy cause we were able to pick up shows on the 9th and 10th. Yippee!! Alright, i'll go cause it's late.