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from "Growing Up, Growing Apart"

To Christine
Suck it Up
Teenage Thought Life
Feelings and Answers
Whispering Days
Good Boys and Good Girls
So Many Faces
Tired of Trying
Nine Years and Counting

New Songs

Let a Song go out of my Heart
Give Up on You
Wait for me tonight
All You'll Need

To Christine

It hurts me so much to hear you tell the story of your life. Taking all your problems upon yourself and leaving faith behind. And I will pray for you each day because your heart should not be sad. I will pray for you each day. How can you stand there and tell me you're ok when all you do is dream of former days? And how much better will it be tomorrow if you don't change? I know the road you walk is long and never seems to end. God wants us to do great things in this life and with his help we can. There's a time for hanging on. There's a time for letting go. You're one step back, you're almost there. I know you can see the end is near. I always knew you'd understand. Now run with me, take my hand


This is not the way I want to work things out. I feel so bad but somehow it's right. We've been good friends as time's gone by. I've never loved so much in all my life. I can see that this is a mistake and I wish I could take everything I said back. I wish God would send a sign, a sign that would make you mine. I know this is not the right time. Am I mistaking or is my heart breaking in two? I love you. Jesus take my heart and show me how to start to love you first. Break me down, build me up. Why do I regret the things I should forget?


There he stands with his heart in hand. As it steers his life and at this moment in time it seems so right. Nothing else matters to him cause he's so sure about this time. Certain days he allows hours to slip away. As he's left there hanging, anticipating that phone call that never comes. His heart starts to sink. His imagination runs wild. This one way feeling is taking it's toll so he tries to ease up but there's such a pull. When they're together he has no cares in the world and future plans fill his mind of "for better, worse, 'til death do us part". He's endangering this relationship from strengthening putting God's plans second and his plans first. Because of this he's now sure the plans he has will never work. Distractions come daily. This relationship is failing. This freindship is failing

Suck it Up

I want things back the way they were. Everything was slow and steady. Nothing hurt. You live real free from what I can see. Give me a break, I've heard it all before. So you think you know. But you don't know. How hard it is to live the way we do. Go ahead and criticize me. So you think that change is pain. To live is Christ, to die is gain. If it's an easy life then go ahead and try it. Don't be a sucker for the world. Cause you won't get very far. Cause if you knew how hard it is to live the way we do you'd stay away. So go ahead and suck it up.


What's your reason now this time? Brother, sister; can't you see the end time coming signs? Prophecy is now being fulfilled. Of the plagues, wars and rumors of wars. Are you getting spooked? Death awaits at the door for every living soul. What's your conviction now? If none, then the Lord's return should have you spooked. American Express and Visa not used here. The only card accepted is stained blood red. And I'm just trying to help you friend. Don't turn the other cheek. Jesus made a way for sureity and eternal security. Never living in the realm of caspers. Accept it now the time has come. But it's too late cause time is done. Signs of plagues and wars fulfilled. Words of warning now stand still.

Teenage Thought Life

Time's change as the days go by. Growing up can be so hard sometimes. And this life it won't get easier. His love is stronger than my greatest pain. I put my trust in him everyday. Used to be blind to what you had to say. But anyways, I'm different now, can't you see? I'm changing my ways. Finding out what is right for me. I'll never understand. My life is yours. It's in your hands

Feelings and Answers

Do you ever get the feeling you're the only one in this world who thinks the things you think and deals with the things that you deal? Your spirit man is fighting hard to overcome the flesh of pain. Wondering if God's really there or if I am just laboring in vain. It can be so hard to deny my ways. When the sin he's cleansed me of just seems to stay. But then God speaks a word. I've got to press on in. Push past the outer feelings of not being forgiven. Close my ears off from those lies, they're not from your mouth. In Jesus name, get out. Perserverance, humiliation, persecution, fleshly starvation. The Christian life ain't always easy. Who said it was? I'll keep on reaching. I know these trials and tests come on for a reason. Jesus wants to take me to a new level in a new season. It can be so hard. Striving towards the goal, knowing that soon I'll be home

Whispering Days

It's been a long, long time since I felt your words deep in my mind. I wish I could hold your stare, engraved in my mind to behold and see. I should of known these were the days when your presence shattered my darkness. I Could have sworn on the wind for your candle never to grow dim. Just like a grain of sand. My life lays in your hands. I'm not always sure where to go. And so I ask you,"would you hold my hand? would you hold my soul and speak your words of comfort to me? Would you stay with me and never let me go until the whispering days". I know that my life to live is in you. So set these feet of clay on fire and watch me burn. You spoke it in your word. You spoke it to my soul. That the earth shall flame but first let your children hold the torch. Who is he who surrounds me so beautifully? Who is he how could I find


It seems so crazy to me how everything I do and have done can with a few words all get washed away. Can't go by feelings. Can't go by what the world has set in stone. I'll wait on you to let me know. Just how I can get through today when everything is going wrong. I need your strength to help me make it through it all. I said some things I wish I could take back. But they're in the air now. Out of my grasp. Where is this integrity that in me is seeming to lack? Today, of all days I ended up pushing it back. I'm going to make right what I've wronged. I'll make my words short and sweet because I may have to eat them later on. After what I told you. I'm so sorry. But sorry doesn't matter here. My words fall short of your deaf ears. How can I show you I'm sincere? Will there be another time before our time comes to an end? Will you forget my face or still call me friend?

Good Boys and Good Girls

I've fallen where you cannot reach me. It take alot to save someone like me. That's how I felt before you came to me. You changed my life. You set me free. And all this time, I've wasted my whole life. I wish I could have talked to them before they took their lives. Good boys and good girls are now spending their lives without you. That's how I felt as they're crying out. You changed my life, can you change someone else?

So Many Faces

I see these faces. Day by day they look the same. They seem so familiar but I don't even know their names. Do they know about you or am I the one to tell them that they're dead to sin and you're the way to recieve life again. And all this time they stare me down trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me. I guess they don't see. God sees my heart and not my hair and chains and loves my worship just the same. I'm tempted to get out of this place. So many times I'm at a loss of words to say. Holy Spirit speak your words of life through me tonight that the heavens may rejoice. They seem so content with the way that their life is. They give such lame excuses at times it seems useless. But when we are most weakened, God is the most strengthened. And when it seems pointless the seed we planted will be victorious. Speak the truth and don't doubt the way that it comes out. The words of God will not come back null and void.

Tired of Trying

Seasons change but feeling stay the same. And I won't learn until I trust that there's a plan for my life and her's. There's just too many times that I cry. So why don't I try to forget her? I'm so tired. And I'm tired of trying I want to fall at your feet. There's a peace I find in you like no other


No more pain for me today cause I prayed. And God's great love has set me free from all the sin and guilt that has been hindering me. I won't give in to the worldly ways that caused me too compromise my faith in past to satisfy my flesh. Clean break with the devil's what I made. And I know that's something he really hates. But in turn God has filled the space with a fresh annointing because of greater grace. I get so scared when God tells me what he wants from me. But I know because I feel this way it's the way it's supposed to be. With your help I can do all things. Through your unsurpassing strength. Jesus will never forsake me or leave me. He'll always be there to help me and guide me. Soon he'll be back for me. I'll go on with his will 'til his face I do see. I'm gonna do my part until the commision's filled. Then he'll take us from this crazy world

9 Years and Counting

Nine long years gone and I've moved on. I thank you God you've gotten me through life this far. You've been my father as life gets harder. I guess I turned out alright despite learning life on my own. I don't blame you it was your perfect will when you took him home. I often wonder what it would be like the other way. My mind stirs but the pictures are hard to place. I sometimes feel cheated out of the years I spent without this man to guide me, correct me and love me the way only a father can. My memory serves me wrong remembering your embrace. My mind's eye view of the life you lead sometimes seems to erase. I wonder how different I would be if you were still around. I've learned life by trial and error. Are you proud of the way I've turned out? I really didn't even know you that well. Childhood memories always seem to fade. Bits and pieces of father-son days come and go in seconds do you approve of the decisions that I've made? One day we'll meet again, in eternity and share our lives. I'll let you know you were always a part of me. And together we will face the King of Kings and hit our knees as he shows his face and forever we will be. Time can't make it all come undone cause you're the only one


Let a Song go out of My Heart

Put a song in my heart. Put the words in my mouth. To glorify you Lord. And nothing from me. All for you. This is what I love to do. And it makes it all the better being able to do it for you. So let a song go out of my heart, straight and true. You saved me by your amazing grace. Everyday I will seek to see your face. And all the sins of my past have been erased. You said if I trust and have faith to believe, I'll be with you forever in eternity. You said if I trust and have faith to believe, you will save my soul and set my heart free...

Give Up on You

Sympathetic ears I hold for you again. Me the one who always listens. Biding your time. Dying for anything. Waiting for your sign. Fighting with everything. If you would only let it fall. Give yourself the courage to smile and this time mean it with all of your heart. What is time when there is nothing to look forward to? You're so eager to give your heart away. Patience is a virtue, one lost on you. You gave up without a fight even when we didn't give up on you. Broken by all the hours. Broken by all the time. Dying for nothing. Waiting on everything. Why don't I give up on you?

Wait for me tonight

I will not be subject to this. You break me again. So numb and still I feel it. There is not a word which I can say without thinking about what you've done. You told me eventually everything would be alright. If you believe that then wait for me tonight. We'll see if your words hold your actions to you. Or did you speak in haste only to subdue me. My mind is racing, my heart is on fire. And we will see if you are who you claim to be. What is it you feel? Wait for me. Let's test your theories. Is it worth a broken heart? If you want to go down with a fight. Wait for me, wait for me tonight.

All You'll Need

Why does she hold the key to her own prison cell? A simple turn will set that body free, a simple taste of life will wash away all the pain. The God that lives inside of me is foreign to those deep blue eyes. A quick look inside is all you'll get, all you'll need to see the sinking ship of anguish departing for it's final voyage into the abyss she refuses to fill. A struggling survivor of something she can't help. The one true Savior, he is her only hope now. It's your choice and you can hear my heart inside my voice. Wait on me