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Legal Information

On this page we hope to have listed current state statutes both criminally and civilly as well as listings of lawyers who would handle child sexual abuse cases. Also listed here will be those who are advocates and those who are working to change the laws so we can keep our children safe and send a clear message to perpetrators that you CAN be jailed or FINED or BOTH even if the abuse occured 20 years ago!

Many states are now using the delayed discovery rulings and that allows adult survivors of child sexual abuse alot more time to file suit. Now in many states you have from the time you CONNECTED the abuse WITH the harm it has caused you to file. Other states have NO criminal statutes if the crime involves a sex offenses against a child, In my opinion thats the way it should be. Perpetrators of this crime often threaten their small victims and often years go by before the survivor tells anyone of the abuse, it may be years or even decades later. This is why we need people to get educated, we need to send a message and it needs to be clear and to the point.


State Civil Statutes
