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Lingering Effects

On this page you will learn of just some of the lingering effects that child sexual abuse has on individuals who have lived through the torment. For me personally the connections and patterns that relate directly back to the abuse is profound. I didn't used to think that at all. I thought that this was something that happened twenty years ago, so how could it possibly effect me now? Thankfully I am blessed with a great therapist who has been leading me out of my own lack of understanding and has been gently leading me into a life of healing and wholeness. My journey continues. I hope that if you relate to any of these lingering effects you will pause and listen to what a small silenced voice may be wanting you to hear. Listed here are just some of the effects that can be a direct result of being sexually abused as a child. If you experiance any of these and it has interfered with your quality of life I hope you'll seek treatment so you can live the life you deserve without the after effects of trauma.

  • Is it difficult for you to trust anyone?
  • Do you have few close friends?
  • Is it hard to accept or give affection?
  • Do people scare you?
  • Do you feel alienated and lonely most of the time?
  • Are you involved with people who remind you of the abuser?
  • Do you feel constantly taken advantage of?
  • Do you have trouble making a commitment?
  • Do you repeatedly test people and expect them to leave you?
  • Do you have trouble saying "No"?
  • Do you lack intimacy in your relationships?
  • Are you prone to depression or panic/anxiety attacks?
  • Do you have trouble expressing your feelings?
  • Are you self destructive or suicidal?
  • Are you afraid to succeed?
  • Do you feel you have to be perfect?
  • Do you feel numb and seem to lack a emotional side?
  • Do you feel a need to always be in control?
  • Do you have flashbacks or nitemares?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable around children?
  • Are you unable to set clear boundries with others?
  • Do you feel spaced out or dazed?
  • Do you compulsively seek or avoid sex?
  • Self mutilation?
  • Eating disorders?
