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My Therapist

I value my therapist more than anyone because he has givin me things I have never recived anyplace else. He has provided me with a pure sense of self worth and made me feel as though what I think, feel and say matters and to him those things are valid and important.

Being sexually abused (among other things) has robbed me of so much. It has caused me to have defenses that at times even with my therapist have been more than a challenge to overcome. One thing I would look for in finding a therapist is someone who is consistant. My life was based on inconsistancys and thats the one and probably most important thing my therapist has provided me with. I know he's there, I know I can count on him and I know I can trust him.

My Therapist has uncovered alot of false perceptions I had concerning my past. He has givin me a sense of self worth and provided me with a place where I don't have to be such a control freak. I can be vulnerable there, I can take risk there and I can trust there while having the knowledge that I won't be hurt.

It's a good feeling to know you can cry on someone's shoulder (so to speak). Even though for me therapy has been much like a double edged sword I still have absolutly no regrets. I would do it again without a second thought. The reason I say this is because I had never been cared for before and when I found a therapist that has invested in me and does care about me it feels amazingly good yet bad at the same time. Through the care the he provides it has highlighted all I missed in the past and thats a void that continues to torment me. He provides what they should have, he can never replace them and I know that but when I think about how it should have been I think about my relationship with my doc, safe, secure and nurturing.

My prayers for you is that you'll be able to find a therapist who gives you this same kind of experiance because you ARE worthy of being cared for and you ARE worthy of being valued and your worthy of being safe, secure and loved without a threat of being abused again. Once you see the patterns in your life change can begin. This entire page is a tribute to my therapist, my guide, my source. I thank you for your consistancy and patience and for never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself.

.........IF you live in Maryland and need a therapist Westview is the best place to go, below is a link that will give you more information on how to contact them!!!


Westview Psychological Services
