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Moonblade's Chat Rooms

Temples, Castle, and City Grounds


Castle of Moonblade Temple of Moonblade
CoMB Japanese Garden
CoMB Castle Gardens CoMB Recruting Hall CoMB Ballroom
CoMB Stables White Rose Library
Owner: Amber T Sunstorm
CoMB Playground


Taverns, Inns, & Dinning

Twilight Lady Inn
Owner: Jeannia1
CoMB Sweet Shoppe
Owner: Shimmertd
Tavern of Words
Owner: Zoe Rayne
The Silver Lady Inn
Owner: (For Sale)
SilverMoon and Sword
Owner: Kreel Nuvea
Mystic Ravens Tavern
Owner: XvKellyxX
Wispering Willow Inn
Owner: Barrin Kr
The Stone Lion Inn
Owner: Bedrat0829
Tavern of Chi
Inn of the Dragons
Owner: StarSong120
River Inn Tavern
Owner: Lariya1223
PanthersDen Tavern
Owner: CNedraSherock




Moonblade Jewelery
Owner: IssacharT
The Lavender Sphere
Owner: ElfenSong
King's Pawn, pawn shop
Owner: KingOatz
Owner: (For Sale)
NyteStorm Tattoos
Owner: Xx Neo NyteStorm
CoMB Weapons Shop
Owner: (Missing Name)
Ambers Herble
Owner: Ssunstorm
Millers Apothecary
Owner: VMillerDocV
RhyDin Equine Shop
Owner: Cabillo

Homes/Gardens of residents

Shimmers cave Ambers Cottage Ambers Garden


The Lands

Silver Falls Moonlight Falls Crystal Pond
Silver Lake Crescent Moon Lake CoMB Beach




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application to join today!



Moonblade's page links

*** Page Music ***

City of Moonblade (CoMB home page & Links)

Tour the Lands of Moonblade

History of Moonblade

CoMB Forum Info

Positions in Moonblade

Resident Listings

Temple of Moonblade (Master home page)



Write to one of our web page staff members at:

Email: Sir