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CoMB's Avalable Positions,..

Below is a listing of the positions we have to offer to you members.
May this help you to find your place with us.

Please note:

Due to lack of active council members to help with the guild at this time, we are very slow in responce to applications and other things for now. If you wish to join us please bear with us, thank you.



This is for those that wish simply to call Moonblade your home, and live a quiet life.


If you have a tavern, Inn, or shop, (chat rooms) that you wish to open. This places your chat room within our boarders and forum rules, placing it under the protections of our fine guards helping to keep the peace.

Skill Master,..

If you have a special skill that you wish to teach to others. (If you are a skilled player in certain things your character can help teach others in that skill)

Silver Hands of Moonblade,..

Clerics and Priests, join this band of healers and spiritual leaders to aid our people, mentally and/or physically.

Mystics of Moonblade,..

Mages and Illusionists are highly needed in this realm of magic, your fine skills may be needed.

Wing Guard

This is a position for the younger dragons, pegasus, and other winged beings.. It will be your duty to help the Forest Guard, Dragon Riders and Dragon Guard, to keep the lands and skies of Moonblade free of hostiles.

Dragon Riders

You must have a willing dragon partner to be your mount. Together, it will be your duty to watch over the lands of Moonblade, and oversee the above duties.

Dragon Guard

This is a position for the experienced Dragons,.. It will be your duty to keep the skies and lands of Moonblade safe, as well as oversee the above duties.

The Shadows of Moonblade(Shoika)

These are our eyes and ears. Helping to keep our kingdom safe,
in their secret ways.

Forest Guard

If you have a great love of the lands, then this may be right for you. It will be your duty to see that all is well within the lands of Moonblade.

City Guard,..

It will be your job to see to the safety of the people, and that all is well within the Inns, taverns, shops and other public places belonging to Moonblade.

Castle Guard,..

It will be your duty to see to the Temple and the Castle rooms, as well as oversee the above duties.

Elite Guard

The best of the best,.. you must be highly skilled, and of lawful good or neutral good ways to gain this position. It will be your duty to see to the personal safety of the royal family, and to oversee that all is running smoothly within all the territories of Moonblade.

Royal Council

Help wanted here very much!

Needs to be well experienced, very patient and openminded, and of lawful good or neutral good ways to gain this position. It will be your duty to offer advice to the Royal family, and aid them in the many duties in running the kingdom smoothly.

Drop us an E-mail for an

applicati on to join today!

Please note again:

Due to lack of active council members to help with the guild at this time, we are very slow in responce to applications and other things for now. If you wish to join us please bear with us, thank you.

Moonblade's Links

*** Page Music ***

City of Moonblade (CoMB home page & Links)
CoMB Forum Info
History of Moonblade (History)
Resident Listings
Moonblade's Chat Rooms (come meet with Moonblade members)

Temple of Moonblade (Master home page)

Write to one of our web page staff members at:

Email: Sir