®~*"Patrick Garcia to me.."*~
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The Whole Story...
"Who Patrick Garcia is to me"

Dear Diary,
Carlo sat beside me today. He said I'm pretty kaya lang I'm fat! Mula ngayon, goodbye spaghetti, goodbye ice cream... *looks at the hot dog*... Aay! Goodbye, Carlo! *hmmmp*
j/k! he² (= Like my intro?!?.... just warmin' up!

Ok! Whew! What a tough question naman! [hehehe] But it's okei, I'm very open & frank naman about my feelings 4 Patrick... Ok², 2 tell u the truth, I dunno any1 who knows my name, but doesn't know I like Patrick [u get?] ...coz 4 me, 'di ko ikinahihiya na may ctg (crush, type, gusto) ako sa isang "some1".....hmmm... "someone special", I guess... What I mean is that it isn't bad 2 have "these" feeling towards a particular person naman, 'di ba?! Actually, I didn't feel this way the first time (the 1st few days, u might say) I saw Patrick, believe me, my feelings were totally the opposite of how I feel now! ['di ba, Aira?!] ahihihi =) Kasi naman, 4 me, my feelings changed the more I got 2 know more stuffs about Patrick & the more I saw him on tv (or wherever he showed up)! But 4 others, it may be just the opposite situation, the more they knew about Patrick, the less thrill there is... 'di ba feelings develope & take time, & I guess that was how it was for me! :-) Before & until now, I'm still that girl trying 2 find more infos about Patrick...Still curious, it seems like I just can't get enough of him... & he's still "Mr. Can't Get Enough Of"!

Now years have passed by & my feelings just keeps getting stronger everyday.... :o) While I was there in Philippines 4 "some-months" long vacation (back in '95-'96), I got 2 be friends with some maka-Patrick fans... & until now I'm still keepin' in touch with them... (another vacation in Philippines last June-Aug. '99) & most of them are not Patrick fanatics anymore! But it's okei, at least they've supported Patrick @ times & still will! =o) I know Patrick sure appreciates dat! :o)

Hmmmm... Who is Patrick Garcia really 2 me??! Right back @ cha! [hehehe] =Þ Gosh! It's so hard 2 describe...totally beyond words! Okei, I'll give it a try na nga! =) Hmmm, let's see... FRANZ PATRICK VELASCO GARCIA..... Wow!! I just love that name! (don't u?!) It's so unique kasi & especially because of the person who owns the name! [ahihihi] Whenever I hear or run into his name, it just makes me want 2 see what's up! :o)

Ok, it's sort of hard 2 describe what makes Patrick the way he is 2 me [& 2 us] ... I feel that Patrick is an "all around" guy. I see him as very organize, responsible, at marunong magdala ng sarili. He's definitely a 1 of a kind! We could never find some1 exactly like Patrick in & out! Actually, there's never quite like any1 else like us out there [wherever "there" may be]. Patrick has that charm & wit that lures us 2 be more interested & 2 be supporters...[hmmm, maybe the way he strokes his hair! hehehe =)].....& of course his talents!!! Wow, sabi ko na ngang "all around" guy 'tong si Patrick, eh.... Biro mo, Best Actor of the Year ('98), the youngest pa! As I've read, Virgos do have such talents 4 acting. But he doesn't let all those awards he has earned get 2 him. How humble naman! =)

Ano pa ba? Ang dami² n'yang talents, eh, some we may not even know of! =) Uy, ano naman kaya yung mga yun??! [hehehe] Dancing, he's most likely seen doing "adlib" steps & flaring up the stage! Not only talented, but very active & sports-minded guy he is. May proofs pa that he's really getting somewhere with all his determination & supports! Which I'm sure that's why he became the Rookie of the Year & won 2nd place @ the Enduro ~ Motorcross Tournament. [Where does Patrick practice motorcrossing?] He must be a great driver! Patrick has also earned lots of trophies from 7 years of gymnastics! What a collection besides his collection of colonges & perfumes! By the way, was it just a joke that those colognes save Patrick from expensive water bills??? hehehe...very funky, Patrick! ha² =)*

I think Patrick is kengkoy, napaka kuwela, & exactly like what he says he's like, 'di s'ya mahirap abutin. Everything always takes time, we just have 2 be patient. "For those who waits comes eventual success..." If it's meant 2 be, it's just meant 2 be! =o) All things are treasured & 2 be grateful 4! 'Di mo lang basta-basta mapupulot ang friendship without working hard 2 earn it! But if you take a look @ Patrick for the 1st time, I wonder what goes on in your mind.... hmmmp... suplado, quiet, shy, "nasa loob ang kulo"...[ hmmmmmm.... dat actually reminds me of myself... j/p (= ] Ever wonder what song keeps on playing in Patrick's mind everytime he looks @ himself in a mirror? According 2 Patrick "Mahirap Talagang Maging Pogi" is his theme song 4 himself! [si Patrick talaga o!] =)

Patrick is very intelligent! Patrick, if you attended school reguraly, do you think you'd had a chance of becoming a valedictorian? I'm sure he'll definately suceed in every good way! Ranking high on his favorite subjects, science & history.... & even if Patrick says he's not really good @ spelling... Well, hey, he spelled "kangkungkhurnitz" right! Way the go, Patrick!! [ sorry if i spelled that word wrong... ahihihi =) does any1 know what it means? ] On history, is it Philippine history?? Oh-oh! I think I'm gonna fail that subject...if I ever had it! which i don't... yipee! Hey, Patrick, can u teach me? [ahihihi =)] juz kiddin'.

You probably hardly guessed Patrick 2 be so matakakaw sa foods, lalo na sa favorite foods niya! (duh! ;o)*) But most of us has probably suspected these by how tall Patrick is now! Grabe! =) "Mr. Goodie Two-Shoes" is probably still taking his vitamins...That's great! Patrick, ano ba yung mga vitamins na tine-take mo? I sure want 2 know 'cause so far it's having some great effects, 'di ba?! Pati na rin on how he eats, he gets practice... Sa pagbabalat nang sinigang na hipon with a spoon & a fork, he can do it in [hmmm...] about 5 seconds! Okei, sige nga! Tayo mag race, Patrick, sino kaya panalo??! [Ooopps, my sinigang na "shrimp" goes flying into the air!] Beat that!!! =o) hehehe ~ Lumilipad pa yung hipon ko, 'noh, yung sa'yo nasa digestive system mo na agad! Dyuk lang! =Þ Well, atleast I can cook it! =)

At times, he may not be the guy you expected him 2 be! =) hmmm...ah...eh..ah...eh... Shy, quiet, & sensitive... (hey, this is me again! am i sure i'm describin' patrick?!) also the opposite... Makulit, maingay, at magulo! (hey, that's me! not! yes it is! no it isn't! yeah-uh! =)whatever, Rochelle! [hehehe =)] Have you pictured Patrick playing different types of roles? Who...Me??? Of course I have! I still laugh @ his funny lines, @ times when nabubulol s'ya & definitely the parts when his role dressed up as a girl! [ hahaha!!! sawies 4 laughing.. ahihihi =) ] Parang bagay na bagay sa kanya yung headband! [shhhh...don't tell Patrick! =x] (thanks to the movie "BSD, BSM" & show "R Loves L" i got to see Patrick dress up like a girl!) oh-no! imma start crackin' up again! help! *sarcasm* Okei², where was I? Oh, yeah! the more what I'd like 2 see Patrick wear, is wear eyeglasses. I really liked it the time he wore eyeglasses in "Ang TV" as the person 2 replace the dying "Zorro". He looks awfully cute in those glasses!! That was a long time ago & up until now, I still remember! [o 'di ba?!] I wonder what kind of role he's going 2 play next.... [hmmm...] *ijustwannarequestnottogetpatrickhurtinthosefrats,'k?! j/p* Well, whatever it may be, I'm pretty sure he's gonna do his best & we're gonna support him! [no pressure, guys! hehehe] As long as Patrick's happy... at saka I can watch him! =)

Okie dokie, I guess that's it 4 now about the Patrick Garcia that makes us laugh & makes us cry...The 1 special person that gives us hopes & dreams....[hmmm.. something 2 talk about! =)] Patrick Garcia as the Best Actor of the Year ('97, the youngest @ 15!), Golden Boy of the Philippine Cinema, Rookie of the Year, Crush ng Bayan, Heartthrob, Cutie Pie, Carlo, & the "oh-so-little" boy who 4 some used 2 call "Ugly Duckling" [i don't quite know why...so don't ask me! =)] long before, but now "Batang PX", looking much like an "Am-boy", is now "Nagbibinata".... Binatang-binata na nga!! =o)

Hmmm... so what do you think of the Patrick Garcia I know by heart (mulasapuso)?! No matter who he'll be on tv, he's still the Patrick Garcia that we love! If this was an essay, would I get an A+? Pwede na bang i-publish, it's almost like a novel?!....=Þ j/p... ahihihi... *~4 all Patrick Garcia friends, fans, & supporters, let's continue on being there 4 him! Alwaze keep Patrick in your hearts! Patrick, we love you!!! You'll forever be a great inspiration in our lives & hearts! =) Much love y'all! Take lotza carez! =o)~*



© 1999
R. Raz