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. . . kill the radio . . .

these are some pictures from our trip to ocean city, md.

hi. we are cool geeks.

this is suzy chapstick.....aka-suzanne. she needs tO bE soBer more often. but we find her pretty rad.

stacey and chris...awww

~*~note: difference between jen's shitty scanner and stacey's nice scanner...~*~

since jen's scanner broke i, stacey, will be finishing the pictures...

aaron (eh jen?) sleeping on jen...ooh..baybuh!

tracy -n- george, yay!

chris urbin is taking a marvelous picture of himself!

somebody is handing jen a beer...nooo...don't take it!!!!

lenny can cook! two things he has going fer him...

everybOdy (stu, megs, jen, tracy, stacey, george) on top of mike...

neck aka jason...eating oh so yummy bacon.

everybody on top mike again...he is trying asleep.

sheriff george "would you like a beer?

whut is stu doing to damen? hmmmm....

go stu!! (we call her suzy chapstick!)

sTacey iS shAviNg...thA bAthrOom is grOsS mAn...puKe evErywhEre aNd nOne Of thE drAiNs werKed...dArn thEm...

stacey looking at non-advertisement suntan lotion...yeah it boggled my mind.

this is a good picture of chris....:)

this is laura, chrissy, and stacey...well 2 of them are cool...

OooOohh...jasOn...oh yea tracy too but jason!

aww...jen and aaron..hehe

stacey and aaron---they made me take a picture with him!

[email jen!]
[email stacey!]
