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Charlotte Review

Crowd gets serving of Hanson's sweet sound!!!


You know you've hit the big time when your fans bring you piles of presents before the show, then set an unofficial decibel record during it. Such was the case Sunday night at Blockbuster Pavilion when the three blond singing heartthrobs known as Hanson performed in front of a near-capacity crowd.
Thousands of young girls turned into human pogo sticks for two hours. Fans -- average age about 10 -- made pilgrimages to the right and left sides of the stage before the concert to leave gifts. Soon there were two mounds of balloons, stuffed animals, scrapbooks, friendship bracelets and brightly wrapped boxes. That display of gratitude was nothing compared to the moment Hanson -- guitarist Isaac, 17, keyboardist Taylor, 15, and drummer Zac, 12 -- walked onstage at 8:35 p.m. High-pitched screams pierced the air, making the pavilion sound like the set of the latest slasher horror movie. The rain that fell beforehand couldn't dampen these fans' spirits, either. This was the moment most had been waiting for ever since the brothers burst onto the pop culture map and onto every 8-year-old girl's bedroom wall from here to California. And the boys didn't disappoint.
The Oklahoma-based brothers opened things with a curveball by playing two songs all the parents in the audience could sing along to -- '60s classics ``Gimme Some Lovin'' and ``Shake a Tailfeather,'' while an encore even featured a version of ``Summertime Blues.'' When the trio, backed by three support musicians, weren't playing covers, they were treating fans to their own material, including the monster hit ``MMMBop.'' Carrying on the tradition set forth by such teen dreams as the Monkees, the Jackson 5 and New Kids on the Block, Hanson excelled at sugar-coated pop songs with hummable melodies and three-part harmonies. It was like cotton candy -- sweet and fun, if not terribly strong on substance. But the animated crowd, many carrying signs proclaiming their love for a favorite Hanson (``Tay -- Send a smile my way!'' ``Zac, We're the Chicks for You''), ate it up. And on a pure entertainment level, Hanson scored big with a well-paced show. Things, however, were marred by less-than-great sound at times. Isaac's guitar playing was practically lost in a mix that was as muddy as the pre-show parking lot. Sound-wise, the trio fared the best during the obligatory ``unplugged set,'' during which their harmonies rang clear and strong. Their voices might change and their stars might fade, but Sunday night Hanson was the king of the Carolinas. Many fans no doubt went home hoarse but happy.
