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Girlfriends Issue

Girlfriends Issue

*These are my opinions on Hanson and girlfriends. If you're not going to respect them, please don't read them.*

I think that there's way too much "Ohmygod! Taylor has a girlfriend! I'm gong to die!" with Hanson fans. Just because there's a rumor on the Internet that one of them has a girlfriend, doesn't mean that it's true. Even if it is true, then fans should be HAPPY for them. I mean, they're 14, 17, and 18 respectively, you can't keep them from having girlfriends forever. They may already have girlfriends. No fan really knows that truth to it. Who really cares anyway?? Isn't it about the MUSIC and not getting so obsessed over they three guys that you're going to die if one of them goes on a date (which Ike and Tay have said they do). I'd be really happy for them if they get/have girlfriends. I feel bad for them having to put up with fans screaming that they're going to marry them or sending them marriage proposals when the fans don't even REALLY know them. I wonder how many fans would still be obsessed with them if they didn't know what Hanson looked like and could only hear the music.