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Ike Facts

Full Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson

Nicknames: Ike, Ikey, Ikey-poo

Birthday: November 17, 1981

Sign: Scorpio

Age: 17

Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Height: around 5'11"

Weight: around 130 ibs.

Shoe Size: 15

Eye Color: brown

Hair Color: dark blonde/light brown

Fav Food: pasta

Fav Drink: Dr. Pepper

Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla

Worst Habit: bites his nails

Hobbies: writing, rollarblading

Toothbrush Color: dark blue

Instrument: guitar

-wrote his first song, called "rain falling down", when he was 8
-his fav subject is science
-is the romantic and serious one of the group
-Taylor says he's the kind of guy "who thought he was going to get married in third grade"
-he does Butthead impersonations
-he wrote a letter to a girl and Taylor got a hold of it and ended it with "I need you desperatly"
