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Hanson: From MON to MOE

Tour Scrapbook

Here is an ad that someone made about a tour scrapbook:

~*Hanson's Tour Scrapbook*~ Hanson's Tour Scrapbook is a Hanson project that will be sent throgh MOE. It is a "gift" to Hanson for giving us such a great tour. It is a small price to pay for all of the efforts that they put into their shows. Please note that you will recieve info on the scrapbook from time to time. Please read below for some info on what you can contribute! There are so many things that people can contribute to the scrapbook! You can send me concerts pics (taken by you or from a magazine) and reviews (written by you or from a magazine). You can send a personal message to Hanson about seeing them live. You can contribute ANYTHING that has to do with the tour!!! Be creative! This scrapbook can be a BIG sucess with your help! If you want to help, just click ~*here*~. Thanks so much!!!