Kiasyd of The Wasteland

The Lasombra are always looking for ways to improve their unique discipline of Obtenebration. Fifteen hundred years ago it was no different. Three Lasombra elders met for the idea of somehow including the powers of the Dark Fey into their blood. Thirteen Unseelie faeries were captured for experimentation. At first, they tried simply adding the blood, but that did not bring success. The Lasombra were forced to forge a deal with the god of the underworld for a portion of his blood. Upon infusing himself with the solution, the Lasombra elder Marconius began to change. He grew exceedingly tall and his eyes gradually began to darken until they were two orbs of pure black. The more conservative Lasombra were against the spreading of this new bloodline and cast Marconius out. As an exile for seven hundred years, Marconius did well for himself. At the coming of the dark ages he decided to create childer. He spawned a new bloodline, and called them "Kiasyd". Kiasyd are usually scholarly and reclusive, siding with no sect aside from the Inconnu if permitted. The Kiasyd wait patiently for the coming of Gehenna. It is lore among them that it is at the end of the world when they will finally find the respect and power that they seek.

Our Resident Kiasyd

Dominic Malifex Phillips
Prince of The Wasteland

Ana Vasquez
Dominic's Current Protegé

Kiasyd Disciplines

The Fey Legacy

Traffic with the Dead

Darkness as an Ally

Kiasyd Related Links
Important Note: Information found in these links does not apply to The Wasteland Chronicle.

An Inconnu Kiasyd's World View
Weak and Frightened

Helix's Kiasyd Library
Interesting Thoughts

Kiasyd: Of Blood and Glamour
Too Much Information