Part 2 - Embrace

"In life, you can get anywhere or do anything, as long as you kill the right people." A slight perversion of the old proverb, but one Malifex followed word for word when helping Domingo.

After all the right people had been slaughtered, their files raided and their signatures copied, Domingo was finally admitted into the Royal Academy of Madrid. Domingo was enlisted into the school in early Spring with the other students of the class of 1998.

Malifex made it very clear to Domingo how important it was to succeed at the academy, and Domingo took the advice to heart. Domingo strove to be the best in everything, especially putting effort in to compensate for only being five and a half feet tall.

Domingo grew strong, both mentally and physically. At the Academy he was taught many skills, especially those of military relation such as survival, leadership and combat techniques.

Throughout Domingo’s education, Malifex continued to watch over him, taking a job as a janitor.

The challenge was much for Domingo. He had strong rivals in his class, such as Roberto Gonzalez and Fransisco Borales.

By the end of his sophomore year, however, Domingo had risen to first in his class. Malifex very rarely showed emotion, but Domingo could see the glowing pride in his eyes.

Domingo’s greatest break came that year, in the Summer of 1996. Domingo was invited into a training group for only the most elite for the Academy. Eagerly joining, Domingo arrived at the class to find eight other schoolmates, including both Frederico and Roberto.

The training was even more rigorous and selective than before, and by October all but himself, Roberto, Frederico and a young man by the name of Lucas Fiala, taken in early from the class of 1999, had dropped out.

The elite classes were convenient, for they were only held at night and therefore allowed the students to continue with their normal schooling.

One of Domingo’s favorite classes was that of Professor Tesa Zervalan, a genetic engineer from Germany. Her experiments with a variety of mutated and distorted animals thoroughly entranced the young man.

In late November, the training group had moved on to fencing and the relentless attacks of the instructors took a great toll out of the young students. After they had learned sufficiently, Roberto and Domingo were paired for a duel.

Although the fight began normally, Domingo was quick to note that it was more than a duel for the other student. Fueled by jealousy and hatred, the arrogant Roberto Gonzalez pressed with everything he had.

Before Domingo could bring up his guard, an immense pain shot through his body and he fell to his knees, his thigh impaled on Roberto’s sword.

Eyes flaring with retribution, Domingo brought his sword in an arc at the offender’s kneecaps, causing Roberto to join him on the ground.

Domingo could feel flesh being ripped from his leg, but his attention was in another place. Domingo heaved his fencing sword high into the air above his prone opponent, thrusting it down between Roberto’s face guard and chest plate.

Domingo’s sword was imbedded deep into the padding below, Roberto’s neck held firmly in place. It was obvious from the stillness of Roberto’s body that he was quite dead.

Eyes blurring from pain, Domingo collapsed on top of his fatally wounded opponent. Domingo gasped for air, for it seemed as if the room no longer held any.

Domingo then heard applause all around him. Proud smiles on their faces, the two instructors removed Roberto’s sword and poured a strange liquid down Domingo’s throat. Feeling strangely empowered, Domingo looked down to see his leg healing before his eyes.

Later that night the instructors explained to the three students the true purpose for the training group. Spain’s scientists had invented a new elixir to empower it’s soldiers. Domingo, Frederico and Lucas were going to join the first unit to regularly ingest the liquid.

Training began anew as the three students took the liquid into their system and tested out it’s capabilities. Along with the healing properties, Domingo was amazed to find that he was unordinarily strong when the elixir was in his system.

Frederico was still Domingo’s inferior, but he gave Domingo a good focus point. Domingo knew Malifex would be angry were Domingo to let himself be surpassed by Frederico. Lucas, on the other hand, seemed to be the perfect soldier. He was cold, emotionless and flawless. It was obvious why they had pulled Lucas into the program early.

The training effort didn’t last long, for at the end of December (as the first semester drew to a close) the three students were given their final interview.

The interviews were held alphabetically. Frederico Borales was interviewed first, followed by Lucas Fiala and finally Domingo Felipe Luez.

Anticipation building within him, Domingo entered the room to find his two instructors, Señor Calacao and Don Nihlo, sitting behind a table and Professora Zervalan sitting in the near left corner.

"There need be no interview for you, Domingo." Señor Calacao spoke to Domingo, whose eyes widened in surprise "You have exceeded in all we have challenged you. Congratulations." Señor Calacao extended his hand and Domingo took it , grasping firmly.

With a flash of movement, Señor Calacao’s canines elongated and he leaped on top of the table, lunging for Domingo. Instinctive training kicking in, Domingo sent a quick jab to Calacao’s gut causing him to let go of his grasp on Domingo’s right hand. Domingo thrust his freed fist into Calacao’s face, breaking off one of the offending canines and sending the instructor’s body flying back against the far wall.

Seeing that Don Nihlo’s teeth were extended as well, Domingo tossed the table up and between himself and them.

Domingo then found himself unable to move, his arms held firmly behind him by Professora Zervalan.

Señor Calacao and Don Nihlo slowly stood and glared at Domingo. Wiping blood from his face, Calacao took careful steps toward Domingo.

Señor Calacao’s broken teeth reformed and he spoke again. "And so it is, for you are truly worthy of the title "Lasombra." With that, Calacao bit deeply into Domingo’s neck.

Full of both pleasure and torment, Domingo felt himself grow light and dizzy. Then, darkness embraced him.

Regaining consciousness, Domingo felt a bitter taste in his mouth. Above him was the blurred form of Señor Calacao, wrist held to Domingo’s mouth. Domingo had just begun to process this information when chaos ensued.

Señor Calacao’s body was flung from Domingo’s view. Domingo heard combat and screams of terror and pain. Although he could still not bring himself to move, Domingo’s vision cleared and he saw Malifex slitting his wrist, letting his life blood flow into Domingo’s soul.

Domingo drank hungrily from Malifex and the faerie blood coursed through his system, warping his surroundings and traveling slowly to his brain.

Behind Malifex, Domingo saw many tendrils of darkness slowly arise and then strike. Malifex was pulled backwards and torn apart. The Troll fell, life slowly fading from his eyes. He had been slain by the very substance from which he was spawned.

Malifex struggled to speak, black bile pouring from his lips. "Remember, Domingo, you have a destiny. Fulfill i.." the Unseelie’s last words were cut off by a spray of pistol fire. What little was left of Malifex’s life force was silenced by bullets.

"Yeah, right." Don Nihlo arose from the surrounding debris, his body partially shattered but healing. "I don’t know what the hell that was, but I can tell you your destiny. It is to die seven feet underground, ravaging for blood."

Domingo struggled to combat the man, but he found himself slowly losing control of his body and mind. Domingo’s sight seemed to be flying in circles, and as it did he caught a glimpse of what used to be Señor Calacao and Professora Zervalan, the bodies dismembered and impaled on blackened tridents. Once again, Domingo fell unconscious.

Hours passed. Domingo knew he was awake, for he could see the darkness. He could hear the silence. He could feel his limbs restricted. But Domingo had no control over his body or thoughts.

Domingo guessed that he would have heard himself screaming if his ears could break the impenetrable silence, for his world was pain. All he knew were the thousands of pounds of pressure above him, and the immense torment brought on by his mind’s twisting and weaving as it pleased, heedless of his commands.

His body was clawing and digging, he knew that much. And his mind was identifying the rocks and telling how and where to dig. Domingo finally knew what it felt like to be insane. To be a mere spectator of yourself.

Domingo felt the hunger within him.. a day passed. A day of pure anguish. Domingo grew to hate the world; there, underground, in the darkness. Domingo grew to desire revenge for what it had done to him. For what it had done to Malifex. For what it had done to Racha.

By the time Domingo burst from the ground the pain in his mind had finally begun to subside, but it was replaced by a bestial desire for blood. His eyes covered in a mist of red, Domingo saw an attractive, unclothed peasant girl he remembered from the nearby neighborhood in Madrid, tied up and sprawled on the ground.

Domingo lunged on her and tore out her heart to drink directly from the blood within. He cared not for her screams of pure terror, or the ocean of sorrow that her face had become.

As Domingo drank, he noticed that the taste of her blood was familiar, for it was the same taste as the purplish liquid given by his instructors. They had been feeding him blood.

Domingo gazed at his surroundings. Behind him, Fransisco was rising from the ground and racing to share in the feast. Ahead of him, Domingo saw that Don Nihlo stood above him like a commander surveying his troops. Next to Don Nihlo stood an eagle eyed woman in a long, black dress tracing arcane symbols in the air. Next to her, apparently bound and kneeling, was Lucas Fiala.

Domingo flew into a rage and tried to strike at Don Nihlo, but found himself restrained by invisible shackles.

"I know you are all frightened. That is good." Don Nihlo spoke "You probably even hate me. This I can understand. But you will grow to love me, for I have bestowed upon the three of you the greatest gift of all. You are Sabbat, and you are Lasombra."

A man in a long leather jacket began cleaning up the mess caused by the "birthing", and the three students were herded into the back of a truck and away with Don Nihlo and the woman in the black dress.

During the ride, Don Nihlo continued to speak. The woman was Eileen Bridges, a Britisher. The three of them were now vampires, and would always be. They were warriors in a great army known as the Sabbat. Their mission was to train and grow strong, to protect the world from the menace of evil demons known as "antediluvians".

There were different types of vampires. Don Nihlo and the three of them were Lasombra. Eileen was a Tremere antitribu and the one in the leather jacket had been a Brujah antitribu by the name of Ramón Quesada. Tesa Zervalan had been one of the vampires known as "Tzimisce".

The truck entered into a hangar and the six of them descended into an old bunker that Don Nihlo called the "communal haven". It was the place where the "pack" of Sabbat vampires would sleep during the burning hours of daylight. At the communal haven the new initiates met the other two members of the pack, a "Pander" known only as Meretriz and a "Malkavian antitribu" that they called Godito.

Meretriz would be best described as "carnally beautiful". She had a body and face that appealed to all of the male physical desires, but none of the emotional. Godito seemed to be the person one might expect to be put in jail and interviewed on "Geraldo" for sacrificing maidens in an attempt to summon Satan. Although small in stature, Godito was pale white and loaded with black make-up, pentagrams and various occult paraphernalia.

Don Nihlo was accepted as the leader of the pack and they called Eileen the pack "priest". Eileen seemed to be the one responsible for conducting all the various vampiric rituals.

One of these rituals was performed directly after the arrival of Fransisco, Lucas and Domingo and the releasing of their bonds. Blood was drained from all eight members of the pack. Eileen prepared the blood in a large chalice while Don Nihlo introduced the newcomers.

The chalice was then passed from person to person, and all drank. It seemed to increase camaraderie in the others, but Domingo felt nothing. Nevertheless, he played along to prevent suspicion.

Over the month, the three continued to learn of their new state and were schooled in vampiric powers known as "disciplines". Fransisco and Eileen began to grow strong romantic feelings for each other and it wasn’t long before Eileen began "enhancing" the "viniculum" chalice when he would drink from it. Lucas Fiala dove straight into the theology of the Sabbat, bearing it with pride. Domingo was viewed as the "mutt" when it came to learning disciplines. He seemed to be almost naturally untuned to what they tried to teach him. Outward, Domingo was ambitious with regard to his new membership in the Sabbat. Inside, Doming was boiling with hatred.

The pack was soon to depart for the United States. Don Nihlo said that they were to be reinforcements for the war against the "Camarilla", foolish servants of the demon antediluvians. Domingo was intelligent enough to sort the truth from Don Nihlo’s propaganda.

Before leaving, the three top-of-the-class former students had to pick new identities to prevent being traced. Now head over heels in love with Eileen, Fransisco Borales assumed the identity of her husband; Frank Bridges. Lucas Fiala became Luke Fiél as a badge of loyalty to the Sabbat. Domingo Felipe Luez changed his name to Dominic Malifex Phillips.

The pack boarded a cargo liner right after sundown. During the flight, Dominic made a new, fantastic discovery. He found that he could see with the sight of faeries as he had done when drinking Racha’s water through sheer force of will. It seemed wonderful at first until Godito remarked that his pure black eyes looked really cool. Not being able to see himself (as the others had let him know that as a Lasombra he no longer had a reflection). Dominic grew paranoid and turned off his faerie sight. After waiting several hours, Dominic asked Godito if his eyes were still black and the response was "Nope. That Sucks."

The plane landed shortly before sunrise. There, at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport they met two new members of the pack, a Toreador antitribu named Cliff Roberts and a Ravnos antitribu named Natalie Hart.

Right after meeting her, Dominic noticed that Natalie had an eye for him, but he paid her no attention.

They loaded up into two vans that drove on to Baltimore. There, Cliff directed them to their new communal have, the Baltimore Museum of Gothic Art.

Months passed, and the war with the Camarilla did not happen. Don Nihlo told them that the Sabbat were planning an invasion of nearby Washington D.C. and continued to train the pack for vampiric combat.

Sometimes Camarilla spies were caught and executed within the Baltimore city lines but this only spurred on the pack’s battle fervor. Dominic’s desire for revenge did not die.

Dominic received his chance one night in mid-November, 1997. Don Nihlo was off with Eileen to meet and converse with the other Sabbat leaders of the city. Dominic took the opportunity, and fled.

It was going well until Dominic found that Ramón was fast on his trail. Before Dominic had gone far, he saw Ramón racing toward him using his power of "Celerity" to achieve super-human speed.

Almost instinctively, Dominic felt the urge to open his mouth and scream at Ramón. A sonic blast was emitted from Dominic’s throat, slamming Ramón off his feet and into oncoming traffic. It wouldn’t have been so bad if that oncoming traffic hadn’t been a bus.

Taking no time to ponder or gloat, Dominic turned and ran down the nearest alleyway. Shock building in his chest, Dominic felt his arms grabbed by a powerful force and his body being slammed into the pavement.

Above him, Dominic saw that Don Nihlo had returned from his meeting early and was flanked by Cliff.

Don Nihlo descended on Dominic and continued smashing his fist into Dominic’s body, breaking the majority of Dominic’s bones.

"This is the second time you have caused us problems, you little bitch." Don Nihlo’s voice was low and monotone "This time, you are going to wish we had killed you here and now."

Don Nihlo lifted Dominic’s broken and battered body and dragged it slowly behind him, back to the communal haven.

