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The Science of GOD

The creation of God's origin is not calculated to modern day achievements of man's historical birth record, but he alone, the divine creator of this mathematical production of God's intelligence has instilled within us the long, dark existence of only being matter of no definite shape or form. It was this period of existence when we roamed the darkness of the universe in the appearance of pure gases. Our actions and thoughts was becoming a molded mass of living energy burning through existence to enter the world cycle of Allah's mathematics to be born into the cycle of triple darkness by entering the cycle of these three dimensions. In the first dimension, we enter the world of length, causing our electrified bodies to extend itself until the atoms in our bodies caused the molecules to become temporarily converted, therefore becoming a mass of frozen gas bringing it to the second dimension. Upon entering the second dimension (width), the gas molecules expanded in size causing more atoms to come together. Thus this brought about friction causing the frozen gas particles to decrease in quality making it a liquid form that held itself in a fixed formation with time. Now it was the power of Allah's intelligence (magnetic) which enabled them to sustain the universal atmospherical change of condition. This liquid now entered into the third dimension- depth. This was the last and final stage of their long universal task of revolving and spinning until it captured all the particles in the universe. In its circumference most of these particles were inorganic particles known as cosmic dust particles, which are unused gases of the sun. These particles help shape and form the present dry body. As we see it today each dimension was a ten thousand-year process and at the end of the entire process was a biochemical chain reaction. Thus the creation of GOD was manifested with a proportion of Allah's intelligence and perfection. Thus GOD was created.










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