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"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."


According to the written words of divine prophecy these are the days when the mystery of God is finishing itself. With the coming of W.D. Fard, the voice of the 7th angel began to sound signaling that the opening of the 7th seal was at hand. The vibrations from this sound of truth shook Elijah awake, and he in turn carried the message of this truth (SOUND) to the Blackman of America. Thus, the knowledge of God began to be manifested in the Western hemisphere paving the way for the personal appearance of Allah Himself. All of this was predicted, for it was ordained that as the Judgment of this world approached, Allah would send a messenger to prepare the way.


"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts."


So according to His divine plan and on schedule the Black God of the universe, Allah, made His appearance at the temple of His messenger, revealing once and for all the final mystery of God: That the Blackman, Supreme and all wise is the Almighty true and living God. This revelation exposed the one great truth that has been kept hidden from the world for thousands of years. With the coming of Allah in the person of His true and natural self- The Blackman- this hidden knowledge was open to the world, along with the science of life that had been lost, stolen and forgotten. No longer was God to be regarded as a mysterious and unseen being existing somewhere in the heavens above, instead it was to be understood that God is the total embodiment of all life, force, energy and power, which is personified as well as amplified through the intelligence and perfection of the Blackman. There is no truth greater than this and as such, it represents the end of all mysteries, secrets and symbolic teachings because the time of God is at hand. Neither are there any more prophets, messengers, or reformers to be sent to those Whom the knowledge of God has been revealed to, for there is no more light (TRUTH) to be given, all things have been and are being made known. The Black Gods of the universe are manifesting the science and history of those things which were previously hidden, and it is to them that the world must turn to in order to learn of the things that are yet to come.

These Black Gods are merely the individual expressions of the Unity of Allah or in other words, living proof that Allah is All In All. They manifest through their individual and collective building the Supreme Oneness of Allah, one universal principle radiating/operating through many bodies. In this room of creative activity, truth is absolute, so there is only one Mind, one intelligence, one universal God, who rules over all life. Therefore what may appear to be many Gods is actually one God, because one is equal to all and all is equal to one. Each God whether along or together manifests the nature, identity And reality of Allah. Collectively they are sometimes referred to as the Black Gods of the universe, which is just another way of saying Allah God Himself in all the ways he choose to manifest himself. Thus, Allah is on the world scene today preparing to conduct His judgment of the righteous and wicked alike, this is the time in history referred to as the "LAST DAYS AND THE DAY OF JUDGMENT". All the prophets, messengers and wise men spoke of this period in time, and knew that it would take place after the 6,000 your rule of the devil has expired. The Holy Our-an calls this time in history "THE DAYS OF ALLAH", and says that it will occur approximately 1,400 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. This is prophesized as the time of Allah’s appearance in the world. According to the Lunar Calendar used by the Muslims of the East, the 1400th year took place in the your 1979 of the Gregorian Calendar. It was in November of this year (1979) that the Great Mosque in Mecca was allegedly attacked by a band of so-called Muslim fanatics, and whose leader declared himself to be the long awaited Mahdi. Whatever was the ultimate fate of these individuals of this event is still significant for several reasons:

1. It confirms the fact that 1,400 years have passed since the time of Muhammad, which according to the Muslim Calendar took place 1979;

2. It reveals that there are hidden records, scrolls and traditions concerning the appearance of the Mahdi, which the Muslim world has/is trying to keep secret or suppressed;

3. It shows that someone over in Mecca was attempting to reveal this knowledge or at least a portion of it, but was opposed by the authorities in Mecca.

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."



Although these so-called fanatical Muslims were eventually captured, no pictures of them were ever released to the public. So who was this man who so boldly declared himself the Mahdi? Something which no faithful or obedient Muslim would dare to do for fear of losing his life among other things. Yet to the Black God’s here in the West, this was merely another sign to indicate that the days of Allah is at hand. Try as it might, the world cannot stop the judgment of Allah from manifesting itself, and since the seat of the devil’s power is located in the Western hemisphere, it will be in the West where divine judgment will first take place. This is why Allah manifested Himself first in the wilderness of North America

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that:

"The day’s of Allah (God) means years of Allah (God) and not a twenty-four hour day. It means years. These days or years of judgment, according to the Bible and the Holy Qur-an will not run over twenty years. And according to the scientists of Islam, the teachings of the Holy Quran which are to be understood, the judgment is to take place between 1,380 and 1,400 years after the death of Muhammad, the son of Abdullah." (See Our Saviour Has Arrived, pg.82)

This twenty year period referred to above is actually the year 1964 to 1984. In the year 1964, Allah, after making His appearance in Temple number Seven ("And the Lord wham ye seek shall suddenly came to his tangle.") came to the ghettos of hell to born His supreme Equality, thus began the Days of Allah, and the judgment of the wicked, which by the year 1984 will reach an intense degree. Everything that is happening now was written and predicted to occur by the Black God’s of the universe at the beginning of this present Quran. This history was not only written down on paper in the ancient scrolls, but the God’s being all wise wrote it into the very laws of life itself. This is why it is said that nature (The Laws of Life) are an open book to those who understand its language. This was done as a precaution because they knew in advance that with the making of the devil much of the written history would be destroyed, stolen, hidden, distorted and tampered with, and that through these and other methods, the devil would strive to erase the records of our and his own origin in this world. Thus, this knowledge, history and science of that which was, is and yet to come was recorded in the "BOOK OF LIFE", where it was kept preserved for these last days. So now the Black scientists are teaching the Nations of the world from out of this Book of Life, and the science and history of where the world has been and where it is going is being revealed.

According to those in the know, the teaching that God (Allah} is the Black Man is as old as the universe itself. From the Pope in Rome to the Shariff of Mecca, to the Grand Lama in Tibet, knowledge relating to the identity and origin of these Black God’s is Commonly known, but is kept mutually suppressed. That the true and living God and the one referred to in the secret chambers of Freemasonry as the "Great Architect of the Universe" is none other than the Blackman is a recognized fact long acknowledge by the heads of the world’s religious orders, yet for thousands of years these religious leaders i.e. Popes, Imams and Rabbis alike have conspired to keep this knowledge hidden from the world at large. Among Christians and Muslims, Freemasons and Jewish Cabalist and within the Temples of Tibetan Monks and the Mystery Lodges of Ancient Egypt this was the one unspeakable truth which formed the core of their esoteric teachings. Revelation of this knowledge to the masses was strictly forbidden, and even the name of Allah couldn’t be uttered aloud except for during certain special times of the year. This is one of the reasons why they intentionally mispronounces the name of Allah whenever they are obligated to say it aloud in public, in fact the knowledge that God (Allah) is the Blackman was held to be so sacred that it was almost never committed to writing (publicly at least) and at one time the penalty imposed for teaching this truth openly was death. Although the devil and his co-workers gong the 108 have labored for many centuries to keep this evidence of what was really being taught within the inner circles of their social equality became visibly exposed, it is this evidence that is being used to provide documentation confirming the revelation of Allah, that the Blackman is God and the whiteman is the devil. This evidence and documentation is gathered for the purpose of convincing the deaf, -dumb, and blind that the teachings of the Black God’s is real and not made up and that this truth was always in the world, but the world knew it not.

So now that Allah, God Himself has unlocked the Mystery of the Seventh Seal, the monopoly of this knowledge by the 10% has come to a close and truth is being manifested in its full entirely. It is recorded in the annals of the European history that when the French conquered Rome during the latter part of the 7th century, they made a remarkable discovery, it seems that after entering the Vatican City they proceeded to Confiscate the Chair of Saint Peter and upon inspection found that written on the back of it was the Islamic Article of Faith:

Which translated from its Arabic script read: "I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

This statement is referred to as " The Kalimah Shahadat" Now the Chair of St. Peter is the chair upon which the Pope sits and is viewed as one of the most holiest artifacts in all of Christiandom, yet written on the back in Arabic were the words " There is no God but Allah..." According to Godfrey Higgins, who related this incident (Anacalypsis Vol. 1) when the Pope was questioned

About the writing he pretended to be ignorant of its origin and meaning, yet to the wise this incident merely bare out to the fact that locked within the sanctum sancuorum (Holy of Holies) of the Vatican City is science and history pertaining to the Blackman’s true origin in this world and that the Pope hiding behind his Corrupt mask of Christianity secretly bear witness to the supremacy and ancient glory of the Black man.

In these, the last days of the european presence as the ruling power upon our planet, the knowledge of self and the science of life is being freely and openly disseminated to the masses by the Five Percent Nation of the God’s and Earth’s, teaching that the Blackman is real Father of civilization and true God of the universe. These Gods (Men) and Earth’s (Woman) are building to awaken the people from their mental death. Yet there are still many who doubt the veracity of these revelations, and others who opposes this knowledge, either out of ignorance or because it threatens to expose the death of their corruption. It is for this reason why the God’s are having such a difficult time educating the 85%, not only must they crush the doubt which exist, but they must also wage battle against those 10% who for one reason or another do not want this knowledge taught to the masses. In respect to this there is at present a worldwide conspiracy among the governments of the world to silence at whatever price the voice of the 5%. Force, coercion, imprisonment, torture, black mail, bribery, murder and media propaganda are some of the tools being used by the enemy in their efforts to still this voice of truth, yet the 10% and their Companions in corruption realize that their labor against the righteous will ultimately prove hopeless and that no matter what delaying tactics they may use, the destruction of this present world order is an unavoidable rarity. This impending destruction will not only encompass the world of the Caucasian people, but will also engulf in its death those family of original people who for the price of gold plotted together against the Blackman, from the priests of Ancient Egypt to the Imams of Mecca, one and all have strove to prostitute the knowledge of God by forming convenants of deception with the enemy of truth, seeking to further their Own wealth, prestige and power these individuals betrayed their positions as the caretakers of knowledge by granting the devil entry into the ancient repositories of the Blackman’s treasures. Entering into brotherhood and fraternity with the devil, the priests of ancient Egypt were bribed and cajoled into allowing the Greeks and the Romans to attend their universities and academies of higher learning, for a fee, the Europeans would be introduced to the higher sciences of life and upon graduation would earn a title that imparted same degree of respectability, therefore, he could travel throughout the land unmolested and by virtue of his acquired degrees would never want for anything. Thus, we see how these Egyptian priests, just like Muhammad and the Muslims of his time entered into a pact with the devil, placing him under study. Motivated by profit and greed, the law which forbore the devil entry into the lands of the original Blackman was abandoned and truth was Compromised in order to acquire the benefit wrought through trade.

From the above we see that there is a Gammon brotherhood which has united itself together for the acquisition of wealth and suppression of truth. To the initiated of Egypt’s mystery system it was taught that the:

"Most important objective was ‘deification of man’... and that the soul of man, if liberated from its bodily abode could enable him to be in reality God-like. As such, man would be among God’s in his life time on the Earth" (Black Man of the Nile, pg. 313-314).

Yet to those individuals who were taught this, each was placed under an oath of obligation which prohibited them from revealing this knowledge abroad. To those who did, the penalty if caught was death, and was enforced upon all those who violated this oath. Similarly, it is recorded that during Muhammad’s time there were men in the land teaching the true knowledge of God, travelling back and forth between Ethiopian highlands and the ancient market places of Southern Arabia (Yeman), these Black men were under no ties of obligation and as such spread the word of truth wherever they went. Known as Mystics, Wisemen, Seers, Saints, Prophets and Gods, these were the men who understood and lived according to the teachings of the ancient scrolls. Persecuted and much despised because of what they taught, these individuals often had to seek refuge in the mountains and in distant lands against the forces of oppression and their armies of disbelievers. Hardest against them were the merchants of Maws, who along with their Jewish con-conspiraters in Medina feared the truth which these men were living reminders of. With the growth and spread of the Muslim communities, repeated attempts were made to stamp out this ancient voice of truth in the land. Looked upon as heretics and madmen, those accused of teaching this unorthodox truth were severely persecuted, for teaching that the Blackman was God. They were arrested, taken in shackles to be publicly whipped and ridiculed, and Were eventually beheaded in front of hundred of on looking and impassionated Muslims. Such was the fate of one Al-Hallaj, there in 922 A.D. was persecuted and executed for having taught that he was Allah. Besides Al-Hallaj, there have been others who over the years have suffered persecution for asserting the supremacy of the Blackman. Abu Hamid Al-Ghazzali (AlrGAZEL) and Abu Yazid Al-Bistami being but two examples, yet Al-Hallaj fate deserves special mention because it ushered in a new age of opposition amongst the Muslim world. His Beheading typified the religious zone which was then sweeping the land crushing in its path all unorthodox and unauthorized teachings. Some Islamic scholars later claimed that Al-Hallaj suffered as he did simply because:


"...He was (a) true lover of God (and) as such he betrayed the secret of God which is exclusively meant for the elect, not for the uninitiated multitude." (Muslim Philosophy, Vol. 1 -SAIYED ABDUL JAI)

In any event, many of those individuals called "Sufis" allegedly Because of the wool garments that they worn began to enshroud their teachings in mystics and symbolic language. This was done as a means to safe-guard themselves against further attacks by those who opposed their unorthodox teachings. While these attacking mobs were more often than not driven by their blind belief in the words of the Qur-an, they were simultaneously being urged on in their actions by the ever vigilant ‘Ulama. The ‘Ulama were those learned scholars of Islamic jurisprudence who as interpreters of the law were influential in shaping public opinion. Fully schooled in the age-old tradition advocated by these so-called "madmen", the ‘Ulama moved swiftly to silence them before the truth which they espoused Could find receptive ears. It would be to their disadvantage to have the people learn about how they had allowed the true teachings of Allah to become corrupted in their pursuit of wealth, power and prestige. Neither did they want it revealed who were the real owners of that land or the true authors of Muhammad's revelations, something which the Semitic Arabs Could never lay true claim or authorship to. It is known that the lands of Arabia, Egypt and Ethiopia were the seats or power of the Black Gods up until shortly after the making-of the devil, from that time onwards the God’s retreated into the back ground of world history in order to let the prediction pertaining to the devil run its course. As generation succeeded generation the memory of these ancient God’s , who walked, taught and loved in the land Sesame dimmer and dimmer, there soon came a time when the true accounts of these Black God’s were repeatedly forgotten, and only vague recollections of the r past ventures remained mainly as myths, legends and fairy tales yet we know from the writing an the ancient scrolls, monuments and temples that these God’s actually walked the Earth as they do nowadays. Praised, worshipped and glorified as the bestowers of civilization, these Black God’s are still honored and secretly adored in many lands. The Kabaa in Mecca, with its Black stone and the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem are merely two of the monuments that have been erected Commemorating the ancient glory of these God’s. Hidden behind the symbolism of these two mystic shrines is the real identity of God, which Shriners worldwide pay homage to. Entrusted with the highest degrees of Freemasonry, these Shriners are among the privileged few permitted to bear witness to the full greatness of the Blackman. The reluctant but yet Compulsive reverence with which they admire the Blackman is even evident in the name of one of their orders, i.e. Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.), a further reminder that it was out of the lands of these Black God’s that the light of civilization first came.







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