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The creation of the Sun, originated in the present physical structure over 72 trillion years ago. Before this appearance, it existed in the appearance of protronic and neutronic gas particles. These particles were positive charged particles with enough energy to give birth to the Sun. The particles were held in the center of the universe by a force called Magnetic Flux. This magnetic flux would not allow the protronic and neutronic gas particles to inter mingle because the law of mathematics proves that any of the manifestations of the same quality that come to cohesion, it produces sparks and friction. So we understand that in order for these two gases to inter mingle, to give birth to the Sun, they had to go contrary to the laws of mathematics. The gases now had to break the magnetic flux's force of field. It could not penetrate the force field but by the constant force of its motion, it produced friction and by this friction there came sound. This sound frequency was so loud that it penetrated the magnetic flux lines of force and this gave the protronic and neutronic gas particles a chance to inter mingle having knowledge of creation. The gases began to mingle and THUS!, through mingling they began giving off great friction in the universe, and heat, which caused a chain reaction in the universe. After the atoms ignited, there was a tremendous amount of atomic energy being released. The mass was so great that it gave the universe a great beauty! But some of the gases could not sustain the combustion pressure and began cooling off. As they cooled they became the outsides of the Sun and the other gases were secured inside of the Sun. The hottest point of the Sun is the inside. From the rays and pressure of the Sun, it produced a force field that enabled only heat and energy to leave its force field. But it would not allow anything to enter its field of force. The Sun sustains itself through the splitting of atoms and combining of various gases. The gas found on the outside of the Sun is called hydrogen and the gas on the inside of the Sun is called helium. This process helps the Sun to hold its position in the center of the universe. So, the Sun today shows its power, giving heat and energy to all planets. Thus, from the creation of the Sun, the unused particles gave birth to the stars and other planets in our Universe. We will never see, with the physical eye, the actual Sun. We can only see the brightness of its shine, but the Sun itself is no bigger than the head of a needle. Therefore, we see and understand the power of the atoms that have given birth to the Sun. It has carried us through existence for over 72 trillion years, and will continue to carry us through existence.

The SUN is 14,672 degrees hot. Thus we have the creation of the Sun!






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