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The Asiatic Calendar

Asiatic Year

78 Trillion years ago the creation of the Sun took place in our Universe.

72 Trillion years ago the creation of the Star took place In our Universe. The Earth and Moon was joined together for 10 trillion years before the deportation took place ( 76 trillion years ago )

66 Trillion years ago the deportation of the Moon took place in our Universe.

5,020 Buddha's time period, he taught Freedom, Justice and Equality.

24,020 Indians exiled from India for worshipping idols.

24,030 Noah's time era including flood.



1 23 Scientists predict history of Koran.

6,400 Abraham came to warn the Holy people of their disobodiance to thee will of Allah.

8,400 Mr. Yacob birthed 20 miles from the Holy City of Mecca.

8,406 Mr. Yacob realized his purpose, age 6.

8,418 Mr. Yacob finishes all the Universities in Mecca.

8,550 Mr. Yacob's physical death, age 150, he left very strict rules and regulations.

9,000 Mr. Yacob's made devils manufactured, start of 6,000 years rule.

9,000 Devils returned to Mecca, caused confusion for 6 months.

9,000 Devils chased from Mecca and wend savage, lived in the caves of West Asia, (Europe)

11,000 Musa Went to civilize the devil (Musa lived to be 120 years old).

12,500 David the Lion of Judea and his son Solomon the Wise, One time era, Solomon's Holy Temple, the standing up of the caucasion race, perfected with Hiram the Master builders assistance.

13,000 Nimrod birthed and led out of eaves, changed Hirams teaching and went on to be the worlds first dictator in the Tower of Babel.

13,000 Isa (Jesus) birthed, he tried to reform him (devil) in his lifespan.

13,656: 571 A. D. Mohammed Ibn Adbullah birthed in Mecca.

13,108: 622 A. D. Mohammed went from Mecca to Medina.

13,708: 622 A. D. Devils followed Mohammed to Medina

13,718: 833 A. D. Mohammed died because he could not reform the devils age 62 1/2.

13,720: 834 A. D. Devils left Medina, went to Jerusalem.

14,072 Battle for Jerusalem started, lasted 199 years (985 A.D. called Crusades).

14,270: 1084 A.D. We took Jerusalem from the Devils (Saladin stood Richard the Lion Hearted up to rule).

14,578: 1492 A.D. Columbus discovered North America, found the Indians here who were exiled from India in the last Koran.

14,621 1535 A. D. John Harding Hawkins into the Jungles of Africa to study the Original people.

14,641 1555 A. D. John Hawkins kidnaps the original people and brought them to North America to be sold as slaves

14,695 1609 A. D. King James concealed the truth of the Bible by translating it into his own version. Note John Hawkins and Queen Elizabeth were James grandparents.

14,949 1863 A. D. Abraham Lincoln took the chains off of the hands and feet of the so-called Negroes and placed them upon the brains in the form of the Emancipation Proclamation, thus the devil last 50 years of their rule.

14,960 1874 A. D. The original people find out that we were over here. The God Tribe of Shabazz

14,963 1877 A. D. Master Fard Muhammad birthed in Mecca on February 26.

14,973 1887 A. D. Marcus Garvey is Birthed.

14,983 1897 A. D. Elijah people birthed in Georgia.

14,996 1910 A. D. Master Fard Muhammad came to North America to foresee he the destruction of the Devils civilization.

15,000 1914 A. D. End of the Devils civilization. Allah grants the Devils a 70 year grace period.

15,011 1925 A. D. Malcolm Little birthed.

15,014 1928 A. D. Clarence Smith birthed in Danville Virginia on February 22.

15,016 July 4, 1930 A. D. Master Fard Muhammad began teaching Elijah Poole (Karriem for 3 1/2 years)

15,020 1934 A. D. Master Fard Muhammad disappeared and Elijah changed his name to Muhammad.

15,046 1960 A. D. Clarence Smith Shows His Arrival at temple No 7 in NYC

15,049 1963 A. D. Clarence 13 Smith comes to the realization of himself as being Allah.

15,050 1964 A. D. Our Father Allah leaves the Mosque and brings the knowledge to the ghettoes of hell.

15,050 1964 A. D. Allah shot, but lived to born his nations 12/9.

15,051 1965 A. D. Malcolm X murdered at the Audobon Ballroom

15,051 1965 A. D November 9, the government took Allah to Matteran State Hospital to be tried and examined by their nurses, doctors and Ministers.

15,053 1967 A. D. The government couldn't do anything with our Father Allah so they released him.

15,055 1969 A. D. Our Father Allah returned to the Essence of Life as the result of seven gunshot wounds received in the elevator of the Martin Luther King Buildings while he was going to see his wife Dora. Neverless, Allah still lives

15,056 1970 A. D. The devil shall have become our footstool

15,061 A. D. The Messenger of Allah, the Hon. Elijah passed away of a heart failure suffered at Mercy Hospital in Detroit. Thus, there is no more light to be given, it is incumbent upon each individual to search and find that which he or she does not have for surely the time Is not far off

(February 25, Can the Devil fool a Muslim).