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The History of this Site

First of all thankyou for visiting this site. I'm very proud of myself for all the hard work I've done for you the people visiting. I first started this page on Thursday, June, 19th. I put it together in basically three days. However I'd just like to say that this page is never done. Always come back and visit so that you can see new pages that have been added, or dayly updates. Now as I stated before this site is dedicated to the people who love the game of hockey as much as I do. And that's alot. But it's also dedicated to the people. The people who come here day in and day out. What inspired me to build this site was first that I had an old site but it wasn't very good, so I was going to try and make it better, but then my sponser of the page shut me down so I no longer had a site. Then I came to the good people at Angelfire. They gave me alot of tools to work with and enough space to make a really good homepage. I was also inspired by Falcon, a webmaster who made an Awesome site. You can visit it by going to my link page.I'm going to continue to work very hard to keep improving this site. So please keep on coming back and don't be shy leave a message in the Guestbook or drop me a line by E-Mailing me. So that's the history of this page thanks for listening
Yours Truly: Matt

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