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Welcome to the 12th installment of LeafView. This is a page where I share my thought's and idea's about the Leafs and their progress. These comment's are my own personal thought's therefor please do not be offended by them. If I do offend you I apoligize. This page will be updated every other day if not every day. Please stay tuned for further installments of LeafView.

Topics discussed

Ken Dryden needs to act like a Manager not a philosopher

Pat Quinn and what his hiring means with the Leafs

What the Leafs need to do to improve

Ken Dryden has to realize that he isn't just a fan of the game any more he must realize some where along the line that he's got to quit thinking about people's feelings and how it will affect their lives. He must focus on improving the Leafs immediatly because in a town that doesn't quickly forget someone's faults and doesn't acknowledge their succesful moves he must make an impact or he will not be around long enough to make any improvements at all. He must get right down to business and get his job done without beating around the bush! In this business you have to get the job done or else you'll be replaced without thinking twice. And that's what Dryden must do. He must analyze the situations he faces and make what he believes will be the best decision for the hockey club!

Pat Quinn has always said that his true desire while working in the N.H.L was to coach. Well than he's in for a tough ride becasue let's face it the Leafs don't have the talent it takes to be succesful. So Quinn must make a stand and insistice that better player's be brought in. He must show the players right away that if you want to play at the proffessional level you have to produce. As far as whether he should take over as G.M, I think that, that would be a wise thing to do but not before he has a year or two to get what he wants done, and then allow him to take the reins. In other words for Pat Quinn to make it in Toronto I believe that he has to make in immediet impact on this organization, like that of what Marc Crawford could have supplied.

I'll make this as quick as I can, in order for the Leafs to win in todays' hockey they must get younger, faster, stronger, and smarter. What I believe Pat Quinn should do is find what kind of team he wants the Leafs to be and then build around that philosophy. If he wants a defencive minded team get the players' out of their that will not follow that pattern and get players in who can perform the tasks that he needs fullfilled!

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