Pearl's Realm

Pearl's Realm

By: Greta Alvarez

Disclaimers: All the characters are not mine, except for some of the villains (She's actually not a villain… Ha! Just read it and find out!)

Chapter 1

The moon shone brightly in the sky, towering over the land of China. It was a cool night, a normal night where nothing can go wrong. The Amazon village was peaceful tonight; no wars or wives giving their husbands curtain lectures whatsoever. The people of the tribe had accomplished everything they needed. It was unbelievably quiet that night…until a figure just came out from the darkness.

She stood in the middle of the room, trying to get used to her surroundings. She had been traveling for a long time now and now she felt that she had finally reached her destination. She was a young girl, not having reached the peak of maturity just yet. She looked around in the tiny room that was once occupied by a little boy. She searched the room carefully, trying not to miss a single spot.

"Hmm… Bingo…" she saw finally what she was looking for and put it securely inside her small shoulder bag.

"Now it's time to take care of business."


"AIYAH!!!" Shampoo's scream was heard in the corridor of the Cat Café. It was still very early in the morning and she just woke up. She simply cannot believe what she saw.
Mousse was up and about, running swiftly to reach where the place where sound came from. He was having a nice dream, one where he was with his beloved Shampoo when he heard her frightful scream. Has she seen a ghost? Did she have a nightmare? Or did her great grandma suddenly die? He didn't know the answers to these questions but there is only one way to find out

. "Sh…Sha…Shampoo! I have come for your rescue my love!!"

Shampoo was sprawled in the corner, looking at the moving figure covered by the blankets. Her eyes were wide open as she pointed to the lump on her bed.

"I…is very scary… It simply not believable!" she said, her voice quivering.

"What is it?" Mousse gulped and tried to go nearer the ‘thing'. He knew Shampoo is the type of person who is hard to scare, but whatever it was, it really must be very, very scary.

When he was only inches away from the ‘thing' it suddenly made a sound.

"waaaah… Waaaah…. WAAAAAHH!!!"

"It's a…a…a…" He boldly removed the covers and finally revealed the ‘thing'. He adjusted his glasses, thinking that his eyes deceived him again… "No… what…this can't be…"

"I was sleeping then it crawled over me and… Uh…I think…great grandma…Uh..."

"I think Cologne turned into a baby…"


"It's really true… Cologne couldn't have possibly left in the middle of the night and then got a baby out of nowhere and placed it there." Mousse declared while changing the baby's diaper the third time that morning.

"But Mousse, how that happen? It simply no possible." Shampoo said nervously pacing back and forth.

"So you think that boys turning to ducks, girls and pigs is impossible?"

"But Mousse! It too weird. Great grandma just sleeping, turn baby the next day. Mousse, great grandma more century old!" she exclaimed in exasperation.

"But how can you explain that she's wearing her exact same clothes when we found her…and the… The spooky smile. Shampoo, we have to face facts, this is really true." He argued taking away his gaze from her seven-month-old looking grandma.

Shampoo groaned in frustration. "Ah! You stay here Stupid Mousse. I go to Airen for help!"

She just strode out of the room when he was about to stop her.


(Note: All Dialogues are in Chinese now.)

"Yes honored Powder; Talc, Nail and Polish all turned into…babies as well." The young Amazon reported to the temporary tribe leader.

The old woman walked across the room in deep thought. All the other Matriarchs have turned into babies. What sorcery had happened? Who ever must have done it must want something from their tribe. With all the elders turning into children, their tribe is in deep trouble. She wondered if the other matriarch, Cologne turned into a child too.

She walked inside the temple to ask their ancestors for guidance. As she lighted the candles, a small figure appeared in front of her.


She laughed wickedly as she walked nearer Powder.

"Looks like my youth spells have not yet lost their touch." she said wickedly.

"So…it was you! What do you want from the tribe? What is your business, bothering us again?" Powder asked, taking a step backward instinctively.

"Nothing much… It's just that what you did to me years ago is still fresh in my mind. I should have been one of the powerful Matriarchs now… Hmph! If not for that witch Cologne." She muttered. She eyed the younger Amazon carefully.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Well…nothing much. My part on this scheme is only to turn the matriarchs into babies. The one who wants something from the tribe is actually my… partner. She sent me here to tell you something. The antidote is not with me anymore; it's with her. She said if you want it back… you must send two amazon warriors, the best among your female and male warriors. This was her only instruction." Alcogel started to walk away


"Hmm… I'd start looking now if I were you. She'll give her next instructions two days from now… good-bye!" she said and finally disappeared.


Chapter 2

Mousse was resting in an armchair when he saw a bird tapping on the window. Afraid that the ‘baby' might wake up and throw a tantrum, he opened the window and shoed it away. To his big surprise, it didn't move but instead, invited itself inside. It landed on his shoulder and he looked at it closely. Then he saw the code of their tribe sewn on the cloth wrapped around its small body.

"Uh… Are you here to send us some news…from the tribe?" He asked, a little reluctant to talk to a bird at first. It chirped twice and it nodded its head.

Mousse finally got the idea and went inside the bathroom and poured hot water in the tub. He walked outside and after a few minutes, an Amazon messenger came out.

"Greetings Warrior Mousse."

"Soap? What are you doing here?" Mousse was surprised. First he wakes up courtesy of Shampoo's scream, they suddenly find out that Cologne turned into a baby and now, one of his childhood playmates who apparently turns into a bird comes here suddenly, all the way from china!

"It's a long story…Where is Warrior Shampoo?"

"She's going to be home soon…so, what's this all about?"


"So that's all I was told to tell you. You should depart as soon as possible, preferably tonight." Soap finished and took a sip of tea from her cup.

"But what about great-grandmother? What are we going to do with her?" Shampoo asked worriedly.

"You'd better put her in a safe place for a meanwhile until you get the antidote. Bringing her with you to China might just slow you down or it might be bad for her…current state." She finally got up from her seat and went towards the bathroom. "Just remember that we are all counting on the two of you. The tribe's future lies in your hands. I should return now… there's so much work to do."

They finally said good-bye as soap flew away swiftly.

"Mousse? Where will we put great grandma?" Shampoo asked as she peered on the crib once more.

Mousse thought for a short while and an idea finally hit his head. "I know where. Just start packing your things my love. We'll be having a busy day ahead."


"Oh Come on Shampoo! Don't tell me you're still mad at me!" Mousse whined when they finally settled down on the bus.

"Why am I not supposed to become mad?! You put my great grandma in a basket and left her outside a convent! We don't even know if they'd take her in or not! You're just so stupid!" Shampoo muttered angrily and looked out the window.

"But can you think of anyone else in the city who would take care of her for us? We did leave a note saying we're coming back after and an explanation for our actions." Mousse countered trying explaining.

It was hopeless trying to argue with Mousse. She just turned away from him and continued to stare out of the window. She let out a frustrated sigh and adjusted to a more comfortable position

. "S… Shampoo… Are you still mad? Please forgive me…" He asked, offering her a flower as a sign of peace. "We're going to be ‘teammates after all…"

They just didn't have a choice. "Yeah, yeah… just keep quiet and I'll try to sleep…" She said as she got the flower and hid it inside her bag.

"Uh… Ok, my love." He looked at her for one last time and murmured goodnight.


<"Shampoo! Shampoo! Look what I have for you!" Mousse said excitedly as he showed of his latest masterpiece.

"Hmph! Let's go!" Shampoo muttered as she got up. Her friends quickly followed her.

"B…but Shampoo! Wait up!" he said trying to catch up with her. "I have a gift for you." He finally made it in front of her.

"What is it Mousse! I'm busy playing games with my friends!" Shampoo said, a little annoyed of his interruption.

"Yeah! We're busy playing GIRL games!" one of her friends added.

She told her friends that she'd deal with him for a meanwhile and so her other friends proceeded to continue their game.

"Look! I made this for you!" Mousse said with a wide a grin as he showed his creation to Shampoo.

It was a small doll. It had purple yarn as its hair; blue buttons for its eyes and a little smile was sewn across its face. It also had a little cloth around its body, which somehow looked like a dress.

"Um…uh… is that supposed to be a doll?" Shampoo asked looking at it curiously. It did look a little cute…

Mousse nodded his head. "And look, it has a partner!" He said triumphantly as he got another small doll from his pocket. Its hair was made out of black yarn and its eyes were of dark green buttons. Like the other doll, it also had a small smile on its face.

Shampoo hasn't had a new toy for quite sometime now and she was pleased that someone finally gave her one. It was not as beautiful like the other dolls her friends and relatives gave to her, but this was the first doll made especially for her.

"Do you like it?" Mousse asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Hmm… tell you what… Let's play sometime." She exclaimed happily.

"R…really? You'd play with me?" Mousse gasped.

"Uh-huh. Thanks Mousse!" she said and smiled at him.

"YESSS!!! Ok Shampoo! I'll make a new and better dress for the dolls first if you like!" She nodded in agreement and he walked happily back at home.


Shampoo shook him again. "Mousse! Wake up! We're in china already!" She was getting agitated already.

"Wh…wha…what?" Mousse said softly while rubbing his eyes. His dream was quite a pleasant one. He remembered having the exact same dream when he was just a little boy, when life was not as complicated as it was now.

"That's it! I don't care if I have to fight whatever it is we should fight! I'm leaving you here!" She muttered exasperatedly and got up from her seat.

"W…wait! Shampoo! I'm so sorry! Uh… I'm getting up, I'm getting up!" He said finally fully awake.

"And I'm going down…Stupid Mousse… I don't understand why you were chosen as the best male warrior anyway…"


Chapter 3

"You must understand that the mission given to you is very crucial. The fate of our tribe rests in your hands." Powder informed them sternly.

"Yes Honored Powder. I swear; I will not fail you." Shampoo vowed sincerely.

"B…but Shampoo my love! We're in this together!" Mousse stuttered reminding her of that fact.

"Yes, she is correct Warrior Shampoo. You and Warrior Mousse should work together to accomplish this mission."

"I wonder why Stupid Mousse was chosen anyway. I could've at least been chosen to work with my future husband…" she muttered to herself.

"And you Warrior Mousse. No fooling around! This is one important mission. For once, try to control your feelings. You should work as a team, and not as crazy love struck teenagers!" The old woman admonished him.

"Y…yes honored Powder…" He said with a sigh. "I would try my best to do as you say… I'd… What's that!" he gasped as bright shining light enveloped the small room.

The three amazons positioned themselves into their fighting stances, readying themselves for whatever it was that would appear.

"Good. It looks like you've done as I have wished." A girl's voice echoed in the room. She giggled softly and then spoke again.

"Show yourself you witch!" Mousse exclaimed trying to walk blindly in the light covered room.

"I wouldn't dare insult someone I haven't seen in my life if I were you. I'm telling you, you'd be sorry for your words." She said again as cold wind blew like a small hurricane in the room.

"Now for my next instruction. I would give you a map. You should go to the place marked with X early tomorrow morning. There I would see if the both of you are worthy enough for my little game." She laughed again. "Bye now! See ‘ya!"

The light perished, leaving no traces of who just came… except for an old map.


Chapter 4

"So? Are you ready my love?" Mousse asked as he met her on the opening of the village the next day.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She muttered as she walked straight ahead. She was assigned with the map… obviously because of some problems with Mousse's eyesight…

"Wait for me my Lo… Teammate!"

Shampoo was quiet along the way and Mousse supposed it was because she was concentrating. He couldn't help but look at her. She's probably the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.

"Shampoo… I won't let anything happen to you ever." He said, and was surprised he said his thoughts out loud.

"Mousse, for once. Can you stop treating me like I'm senile!? I can take care of myself. I am not some fragile weakling." She told him in an angry voice. She gave him a look, which meant that the discussion was over. He looked down on the floor and whispered an apology.

After a while they had reached their destination. It was a cave in the middle of the forest. They had to chop of the long vines to enter.

"Welcome to the Fire cave. You will now start the little test I had prepared for you." The voice said again. "I dropped my favorite necklace near the opening of the volcano. Could you find it for me please?" She said in a teasing voice.

"Why should we even do all these things?" Shampoo muttered.

"Because I said so! I just remembered. If you do anything I don't like… you're dead. I can see all of your actions; hear everything you say. While you are inside my realm, you should do everything I wish for I can kill you both easily."

"Why you little… heartless witch!" Mousse exclaimed angrily.

"Heartless? Watch your mouth Duck boy! Hmm… I give you one advice before you proceed. You can only accomplish things when you work as a team. All your dark feelings, anger, frustration and pain are all used against you. Bye! I'll be waiting!" she said again and laughed evilly.

"Let's go…"


Chapter 5

Shampoo wiped the sweat delicately from her brow. They had been walking for hours now and they had been fighting several monsters along the way. She touched the small burn in her arm and blew on it to lessen the pain.

"Shampoo? Are you hurt?" he asked, concern etched all over his face. He took her arm gently and looked at it. It had turned red. "Hmmm… A bad burn."

"I'm ok Mousse, I…" before she can even refuse, he already put a cold wet cloth on her burn. It felt a lot better.

"There… was the pain lessened?" Mousse asked kindly and applied a little pressure.

"Yes… yes, thank you. It feels a lot better now." She said with a small smile that made Mousse's heart soar in the sky.

Why was Mousse always kind to her? Why was Mousse always her rescuer? She asked herself as she tried to look anywhere but in Mousse's face, his beautiful dysfunctional eyes, his cheeks that are now blushing, his awkward smile… Tried to look anywhere but in his handsome face, the truth finally hit her. She felt her cheeks heat up. This was not the time for her girl like fantasies. They had a mission to accomplish. She looked ahead and was surprised to see what they were looking for. It wasn't there a while ago.

"Mousse! Look! The volcano!" she exclaimed.

"Finally!" he said triumphantly as he looked ahead himself. Shampoo left his side in a blink of an eye.

"Shampoo! Your burn…hey! Wait for me!"

He caught up with her when she was on the foot of the volcano.

"Wow… it's a huge volcano." Mousse whistled as he saw the top.

"I saw it! I saw the necklace; it's there! It's on the mouth of the volcano!" she gasped.

"Say what!?! How are we supposed to get there?!?" he cried out.

"Didn't you hear what the girl said? Teamwork…" she said started climbing up the Volcano.

"Sh…Shampoo! Be careful!!" He thought of a way to follow her. "I'm coming Shampoo."

She was on the middle when she saw that the magma was boiling on the mouth of the cave

. "M…Mousse… we have a little problem." She shouted for Mousse to hear.

"What is it my love?" he shouted back.

"The magma in the volcano is boiling!" she shouted, fear evident on her voice.

"We'd better hurry up th… Shampoo! Look out!!" Mousse watched as a big creature rose from the mouth of the volcano.

Shampoo tightened her grip on the rock she was holding on. She tried to shift her position so the hot fluid will fall on her.

The monster let out a loud roar and jumped out of the volcano's mouth. "Who dares climb my beautiful volcano!!" it said in a deep loud voice.

"We should just get a necklace that fell on its mouth." Shampoo said, trying her best to sound as meek as possible. She didn't want to upset the monster.

"What did you say!? Take away this beautiful decoration in my volcano!?" it roared loudly. Its hand went to grab Shampoo when one of Mousse's chains got to grab its arm first.

"No one hurts my Shampoo!" He shouted angrily and sent several weapons against him.

"Mousse? What are you doing?!"

The monster launched itself against him, its big hands trying to grab Mousse. Hot boiling lava was dripping from its fingers and its other hand was throwing rocks on his direction. "Go on Shampoo! Get the necklace while I have his attention."

She did as ordered. She climbed up the volcano carefully until she had the necklace in her hands. It was a beaded necklace and it has a silver pendant on the center. It was incredibly cool to the touch. It was like ice. She could've sworn she saw the necklace before. It looked so familiar. Her brief moment of happiness was cut short when she heard Mousse's agonizing scream.

A rock had hit him squarely in the chest and he lost his balance. He was about to fall. "Mousse!"

What now? Mousse was in danger and it was partly her fault. She didn't have weapons for she left them all below. The necklace's pendant glowed against her palm. It felt so cold. Cold… against heat… What about the necklace? What about great-grandma and the other elders? What is she going to do?

She heard Mousse stifle a gasp. Blood can be seen on his shirt and he was slowly losing his grip. Mousse… What about Mousse? He's going to die if she won't do anything… It was such a hard choice. Mousse or the necklace? She made up her mind.

"Mousse hang on!" she moved on a more comfortable position and aimed. She threw the necklace and was surprised when a blizzard came out of it all of a sudden. The place was surrounded with cold strong winds and she lost her grip.


"Sh…Shampoo! What are you doing here?" 8-year-old Mousse stammered as she saw her coming to his direction.

"What are YOU doing here?" she asked back.

They were on the other tribe's territory. The sister tribe of the Amazon tribe was having a fair so Shampoo and some of her other relatives came to participate. There were rare goods sold there and her relatives were indulging on them.

Mousse was busy looking at the display of an accessory store when Shampoo suddenly came. "My father is buying several weapons so I decided to come along." Mousse said timidly as he looked at his beautiful Shampoo.

She looked at him awkwardly and laughed. "Hey Mousse, I never knew you like girls jewelry. I always thought you were a full blooded male…"

Mousse looked at her with a surprised expression on his face. "No! You misunderstood! I'm not buying things for myself!" he said while waving his hands frantically.

"Heh… so who are you buying for then?" she asked him while she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm uh… buying stuff for my mother…" he said timidly.

"Oh…" She said, a little upset. A little part of her expected that he's getting something for her.

"And I kind of wanted to get you something special…" he said with a goofy grin.

"A present for me? For what occasion?"

"Nothing in particular… It's just that I wanted to make you happy." Mousse blushed a little. He asked her to follow him outside and they sat down under a big tree. Shampoo was so excited of getting a present that she didn't even object.

He got the box and showed it to her. She opened it slowly and saw a beautiful necklace inside. It was a beaded necklace and it matched the color of her eyes. There was a silver sword-like pendant on the center. It looked beautiful.

"Do you like it? The lady said that it's an antique. It brings good luck to whoever wears it." He looked at her and was satisfied by her awe-struck expression.

She came back to her senses when she heard her great-grandmother call her name. It was time to go home. She looked at Mousse and smiled at him.

"I have to go home." She said as she stood up.

Mousse wanted to stop her but she was too quick. He watched her walk away. He sighed sadly to himself.

He was surprised when she suddenly ran back to him when she was about a meter away.


"Thanks for the gift Mousse…" she said and kissed him lightly in the cheek and ran off.


Chapter 6

"What happened? Are we dead?" Shampoo asked herself. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times because of the light. She touched her cheek and felt wetness. Red…blood…

She looked at where she had been lying down a while ago.

"Mousse!" she gasped as she shook him worriedly. "Mousse wake up!"

It looks as if he used himself as her cushion when they fell. She patted his pale cheeks gently. She found his pulse and was relieved. She finally noticed her surroundings. They weren't in the fire cave anymore. It was a little cold in the place where they were now. It was a little dark and some of the rocks were covered with snow.

She focused her attention back to Mousse. He wasn't moving and the front of his shirt was soaked in blood. "Mousse wake up!" she shook him again. "Why did you have to be so noble anyway?" she said as several teardrops escaped her eyes.

Mousse stirred and groaned softly. Shampoo became alert at once and pillowed his head on her lap. "Shampoo? Are you ok?" Mousse asked with a soft voice.

"Yes, I'm ok. Could you think of yourself for once!" she scolded him a little. She stroked his forehead gently. "Do you have bandages with you?"

Mousse nodded and pulled them out of his sleeves. She helped him remove his shirt and then she bandaged his chest gently. Luckily, the wound had already stopped bleeding. She also saw some several burns on his back and just pressed on his wet cloth on them.

"Thanks Shampoo… I…"

"Next time, be more careful! Don't worry me like that…"

"Worried? You were worried about me?" He was so happy with the revelation.

"I was…"

She was interrupted when the voice of the girl was heard again. "My, I'm surprised that you survived the wrath of the Volcano monster… such a mean Guy."

Shampoo helped Mousse stand up and prepared for anything that is about to show up.

"Now, now. Don't be afraid. Welcome to the Ice Cave. You have destroyed the necklace and since I'm nice I'm having fun…I'm giving you another chance."

"Where are you anyway? Why can't we see you?" Shampoo was just so tired of getting orders from the wind.

"Don't worry, you'll meet me soon. My castle can be found outside this cave. The sooner you find your way out, the sooner you meet me. Bye again!"

"She's gone again." Mousse muttered and adjusted his glasses, trying to find some clues.

"Are you sure you're ok? Can you manage?" Shampoo asked a worried about his current condition.

Mousse just gave her his wide goofy grin. "I'm ok my love. I'd go anywhere as long as I'm with you Shampoo."

And so they started their long walk again.

She didn't distance herself away this time. She walked close to him just in case he needed help or something. She was so frightened a while ago when she woke up in his chest. He was barely breathing and now the two of them were walking, side by side. They were silent for each one of them didn't know what to say.

He felt happy though he was feeling weak. Shampoo actually showed concern for him. He must've looked pretty bad. He remembered jumping after her when he saw her falling. He just couldn't let her get hurt. His back still ached a little though it was because of the burns. He didn't really recall the feeling when he hit the floor, if ever he hit the floor. All he remembered was that he woke up when Shampoo was nudging him.

Shampoo… He'd do anything for her. Why? The answer was simple. He loved her…but why? She rarely shows concern for him. She doesn't love him; her words and actions show it…then why? Why is he keeping up with her?

He then noticed her rubbing her bare arms in an effort to keep them warm. Then he realized it became colder in the cave than usual. He felt cold himself.

"Are you feeling cold?" he asked her and tried to search for something in his sleeve.

"A little. It suddenly became cold. I guess we're in the center of the cave." She said and Mousse noticed that her teeth were chattering. He pulled out the blanket from his sleeve and wrapped it around her.

"I'm sorry I only have one blanket and it's not that thick."

"It's ok… thank you. But what about you?"

"I'm ok."

‘Was she really concerned about me' he thought silently. It had been a while since he asked himself that question. And he realized how much pain and emptiness he had inside of him. Mousse was just a stupid duck boy who's so worthless, so annoying. He had no one to love him, no one to care for him… That's why he always wished that Shampoo would…

"Mousse, we can't go on anymore. It's becoming too cold. We'd surely freeze if we proceed. We'd better rest inside this crevice for a while." Shampoo disconnected him from his thoughts and pulled him inside a small hole on the wall.

He never realized it was that cold until Shampoo told him. He sneezed and his wound became painful again. She realized what had just happened when Mousse touched his chest.

"Mousse?" she asked, a little worried. He gave her a tentative smile and sneezed again. Then he felt something around his shoulders. "Let's share this blanket. It will keep us warm for the night." She said and snuggled closer to him.

"Shampoo… thank you Shampoo." She still did care for him after all… Now he knew the answer to his question… He knew that Shampoo loved him for a certain extent, he just didn't know what. She showed it occasionally, ever since they were young. They were the best of friends after all. "I'm going to defeat Ranma and make you mine again ok?" he whispered to her softly and realized she was already sleeping in his arms.


"Mousse! Where were you?! I've been looking for you all day!" 15- year- old Shampoo yelled at him angrily when she finally saw him training deep in the woods.

"Shampoo! What…where…why!?" He grabbed his towel right away and wiped his sweat

. "Stupid… you're mother's looking for you. She said you haven't drank your medicine yet." She threw him a small box with three tablets inside. "Such a weakling…What are you doing here anyway? You just recovered from your flu 2 days ago!"

"I was training." He stopped and took a gulp of water for a while. "I already lacked a lot training. I want to win in the tournament."

She sat down beside him in an old tree trunk. "All this for the tournament? Are you sure you're tough enough?" she teased.

"I'll have to try! You did promise me that we'd go out if I won didn't you?" he said with a wide grin.

"You're so sick Mousse!" she said and conked him on the head. "Shower had been training very hard. You should've seen him. He'd knock you out in 5 minutes…Mousse." She stopped and looked at his still figure not moving on the ground.

"I'm sorry Mousse. Did I hit you too hard?" she asked worriedly as she helped him up. She remembered how fragile he was, being from a sickness and all.

"I…I'm ok my Love…" he said and embraced her tightly.

She wailed and slapped him on the cheek. "Ah! You're disgusting!"


Chapter 7

Mousse woke up early the next day. He realized that it wasn't cold anymore. It looks as if the mist cleared.

Shampoo had already woken up and was stretching. "That was weird. It was freezing cold last night and now it's not even that cold."

Mousse got a good sleep and his wound isn't that painful anymore. "Let's go then. Let's go and get that obnoxious brat!" Mousse said energetically and they went off.

After long minutes of walking and several wrong turns. They finally made it to the exit.

A huge castle can be seen from outside and it looked hunted. The both of them crept inside quietly. It was dark inside and there were a lot of cobwebs.

Soft laughter can be heard. They tried to know where it came from and went closer. White light enveloped the place again and a girl appeared.

"Hi you two! It's about time you came here!" she said. She was wearing a long white dress. Her black chin length hair was fixed neatly with two small clips. She looked young, a pre-teen.

"Hi! Sorry I haven't introduced myself formally yet. I'm Pearl." She said with a wide smile, which made her black eyes twinkle.

"Give us the antidote right away little girl or I'll…" Mousse muttered and Shampoo tried to stop him by pulling his hair.

"What do you want with our tribe anyway?" Shampoo asked trying to estimate how strong this opponent really is. She didn't look as if she was a martial artist. She looked more like a little witch like how Mousse described her.

"Hmm… nothing much… I don't really want anything from them…" She clapped her hands and the room was lighted in an instant.

"It is you who I really want."

"Us? What do you want from us?" Mousse asked, instinctively pushing Shampoo protectively behind him.

"Umm… nothing much. I've seen and heard so much about you that's all. Especially you Mousse…" Pearl said as she sat down on her throne.

"What do you mean? What's this all about?" Shampoo exclaimed demanding for an answer. Pearl just laughed again and pushed a button in her seat.

"Now it's time to play."

Two cages fell from the ceiling and they didn't even have time to avoid it.

"Let's see if you really are good teammates."


Chapter 8

"Get us out of here you spoiled brat!" Shampoo said trying to break free.

"Oh my, I think its time for my afternoon nap. I'll leave you there for a while. Bye!" She said and walked to inside a room.

"The little brat just comes and goes. What a coward." Shampoo told herself angrily. She sat down quietly. Mousse was taken to the other room just a while ago and now she was all alone. Mousse… He was always the first in line to save her. She always wanted Ranma to be the one to save her but Mousse just ends up saving her all the time. "Why does he love me so much anyway?" she whispered to herself quietly. She didn't know anymore. She had always believed that Ranma was the one she loved and not Mousse. Did she even know how to love truly? What is love anyway?

Her great-grandma always told her that loving someone means wanting to spend her whole life with that someone. He's the only one that you'd ever think about. He's the only one that you'd care about. He's yours and you're his. Is that how she feels about Ranma? She definitely devoted her whole life to him and she's his. But he was never hers. Ranma had a lot of other fiancés and he cares about someone else…

What about… Mousse? She did care for him somehow. He was her only real friend. He was there, wanted or not. He was everything she ever wanted and needed… if only he was not that annoying. He does a lot of foolishness just for her to notice him and yet the slightest sign of affection from her already makes his heart flutter.

"Stupid Mousse…"


"So, how're you doing there Mousse?" Pearl asked as she walked inside his dungeon.

"Let go of me you little witch! What've you done to my Shampoo? I swear if you hurt even a single strand of her hair, you're dead meat!" he vowed furiously.

"Calm down! Your blood pressure's rising. That's not right now is it?" she teased him again.

He attempted to get her through one of his chains but it's not working.

"I won't waste my energy if I were you. There's some sort of force field there so your martial arts whatsoever is useless there." She explained as she took a bite from an apple she got somewhere.

"Hmm… I'm getting bored. Let's get to the action already!"

A small ball of light was formed in her hand. "Hold on tight Mousse!"


Two guards have brought Shampoo in a big room a little while later. Like the throne room, this place was also dark. She saw the culprit and was about to attack her when she saw something that almost made her heart stop.

"What have you done to him?!" Shampoo looked at Mousse with horror. He was inside the cage and his clothes had red spots all over. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and he was looking down so she didn't see his face. There were thick gold handcuffs on both his wrists. His hair was all tangled and there was blood on his face.

"Mousse!!" she shouted and ran towards his direction. "Mousse I'll save you!"

"I don't think he wants to be saved." Pearl said and unlocked the cage. It was as if she just released a wild animal there.

She ran to him and caressed his cheek. He was beaten up badly and she never saw him in this bad shape before. But why isn't he moving? Is he already numb all over? "Mousse? What's wrong?" Shampoo asked when he didn't respond to her touch.

"I'm sad to say this but I don't think he can hear you right now." Pearl informed her while taking a seat to watched this show she had wanted to watch a long time now.

Shampoo took a step back and Mousse launched for her quickly. He was quicker than usual and a lot stronger. "Mousse? What have they done to you?" she cried as she touched her bruised arm. She looked at his eyes and she saw nothing there, as if he was dead… "No!"

"Let me explain… this is Mousse's evil side. He had kept it for a long time now. I wanted him to release his inner emotions and all his anger, rejection, pain and frustrations produced this. He tried to resist at first, therefore causing himself this damage. I never imagined he could be this powerful." She stopped for a while and took in a deep breath. "This is your last test. You would be able to endure this if you'd work together."

"What? Why did you do this to him? Mousse? Listen to me! Wake up!" she said as she barely avoided his attack. He was in pain; she knew it.

He continued another series of attacks. He was so cold, so heartless…so unlike the real Mousse… the sweet, loving and annoying Mousse.

Shampoo was slumped on the floor, groping her left arm, which was now bleeding. "You!" she hissed as she decided to change target. She went to Pearl's direction but was quickly intercepted by Mousse. He pushed her violently aside and she lay flat on the floor. She went to get up again. She had to bring him back… but how. She made him like this. It was all her fault. If only she was more gentle. If only she was more loving and caring…if only…

She needed to bring him back. The look on his eyes suddenly changed. There was pain there, and…love. She took advantage of his withdrawal and thought of a way.

All your dark feelings, anger, frustration and pain are all used against you

That was it… If that were so…then maybe if she tried to clear both their minds of these…the spell would be over. But how in the world was she supposed to do that? She was not given anymore time to think when Mousse pounced at her, a knife in his hands.


Chapter 9

Cold sweat had trickled down her brow. "Mousse!" she shouted and got up and felt deep searing pain somewhere near her shoulder.

"Don't get up yet. You still haven't recovered." Pearl told her in a gentle voice as she pushed her down again.

Shampoo gnarled at her. "Why you… Where's Mousse!! Tell me! What have you done to him!?" she was frantic.

"Arghh!! Can you shut up for once! You're so noisy! He's resting and you might disturb him!!" Pearl exclaimed and slammed a cool cloth on her forehead. "I swear! You two are the most complicated lovers I have ever handled!"

"What nonsense are you saying now!? Where's Mousse?" She said as she sat up and looked around dizzily. She found him lying down on a bed across hers.

This time, Pearl used her powers to lay her back down. "Would you let me talk for a while first! I'm not your enemy anymore. It's all finished!"

Shampoo was really confused now. She wanted to go and fight her but her power is keeping her down. "Ok… start from the beginning…"

"There! Thank you! I am Pearl, youngest disciple of the goddess Aphrodite. I'm only 314 years old you know."

"314?!?! Are you serious? And who is this Aphrodite anyway?"

"Oh come on! You have a millennium great grandmother! Well anyway, Aphrodite is the goddess of Love. As you know, graduation is in the air and my practicum was to… help you two."

"Help us? As in Matchmaker stuff?"

"Bingo! Well, cousin cupid was a little busy with Psyche and Ah! It's a long story!" a chair appeared out of nowhere and she sat down on it.

"I've searched everywhere for the most complicated love problems here in your world. I never imagined your town had the worst cases! So anyway… Your little lover boy here used to pray to my master and of course, I decided to help him."

Her story was interrupted when her other patient groaned.

"Mousse!" Shampoo exclaimed as she got up and went to his side. She got his hand and held it tight.

"Shampoo…" he mumbled as he stirred. His eyes then opened halfway.

"He loves you so much you know." She said knowingly as she looked at both of them.

"Shampoo…" he mumbled again and she focused her attention back to him. "I'm here stupid Mousse. Sleep for a while. I'll be here with you." He smiled slightly and slept again.

"And I know that you love him as well. And it was my job to make you realize that."

Shampoo let go of Mousse's hand suddenly. "I don't love him. It's Ranma that I love."

"Oh come on Shampoo! Gosh! Amazons are so complicated! I mean, the guy almost died for you more than once and you still say that you love this other guy. You can't tell lies, I can read your heart."

"Ok… fine, I don't love Mousse but I don't love Ranma either…"

"Ah! Whatever! At least you're improving. First now you've reached the 2nd phase…denial…"

"Hey! Wait a minute! Where's the antidote?" Shampoo asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah. That old Alcogel woman was good. Well anyway, the antidote's there on the desk. And oh by the way, when Mousse wakes up, can you give him this?" She said while handing her the small diary.

"Mousse's diary? So you've patterned it all from here."

"Wow. You pick up easily. I never imagined that I could ever find such great love like his. You're very lucky Shampoo." She got up from where she was seated. "Oh my, I'll leave you two there now." She said with a small laugh and suddenly vanished.

"Alone at last…" Shampoo sighed as she looked at her sleeping Mousse. Pearl was right… She loved him. Her head was painful again, but it didn't matter now. She lied down beside him and snuggled closer, knowing that she finally understood love somehow.


"Mousse!" She exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice. Mousse was aiming at her direction, a knife in his hand. She didn't have time to avoid it anymore. It doesn't matter…

She saw his eyes. They were shining again with love. Love… that's it. Now she knew. She loved him and that was what mattered now. She welcomed him in her arms and put her mouth on his.

I forgive you Mousse… I'm sorry … and I love you…

She expected to feel pain in her chest, where the knife was aimed a while ago. It never came.

She heard the knife hitting the floor and Mousse's body fell limp against hers.

"Shampoo…" he mumbled, feeling his strength slowly being drained away from him. He didn't know what had happened. All that he remembered was that he had been on a mad rampage and he had surely hurt her. "I love you Shampoo… I'm sorry for hurting you…"he said in between gasps.

"It's ok my love… I should be the one telling you how sorry I am." She replied while gently supporting him. They both fell down on the floor and Shampoo gathered him back in her arms.

"You… love me?" Mousse asked, unbelieving what he heard.

She nodded and smiled through her tears. "Yes… I do."

He smiled as their lips met again and he finally let sleep take over him.


Chapter 10

Mousse woke up in the middle of the night. "What a weird dream…" Mousse gasped, as he wiped the sweat that formed in his brow. Everything looked very real. There was a quest and a 314-year-old disciple of the goddess Aphrodite… And Shampoo…she actually told him that she loved him. But his dream was cut short!

"Damn it all! I was having one of the most pleasant dreams I've ever had and now…" he paused for a while, thinking how he woke up in the first place…

The scream… Shampoo… Cologne…

"What a hell's happening…" He heard the scream again… Oh no… Shampoo…

"Shampoo!?!?!" Mousse jumped to his feet and he was running down the corridor seconds later…

"Sh…Sha…Shampoo! I have come for your rescue my love!!"

Shampoo was sprawled in the corner, looking at the moving figure covered by the blankets. Her eyes were wide open as she pointed to the lump on her bed.

"I…is very scary… It simply not believable!" she said, her voice quivering.

Mousse could've swore he saw this scene before… but…"What is it?" he gulped and tried to go nearer the ‘thing'. He knew Shampoo is the type of person who is hard to scare, but whatever it was, it really must be very, very scary.

When he was only inches away from the ‘thing' it suddenly made a sound.

"Waaaah… Waaaah…. WAAAAAHH!!!"

"It's a…a…a…" He boldly removed the covers and finally revealed the ‘thing'. He adjusted his glasses, thinking that his eyes deceived him again… "No… what…this can't be…"

"I was sleeping then it crawled over me and… Uh…I think…great grandma…Uh..."

"I think Cologne turned into a baby…"



"Mission Accomplished Goddess!" Pearl said triumphantly as the moment she was back on the Aphrodite's headquarters.

"Hmm… quite a nice job Pearl… not bad…" the Goddess nodded approvingly.

"YESSSSSS!!! ALL RIGHT!!!" Pearl jumped and did a little victory dance.

"Congratulations my student. And now, you're an official member of band!" Aphrodite gave her a small hug and went back to business.

"Now, for your first real mission, you would be working with your new partner… Diamond."

A handsome young man entered the hall with a serene smile on his face. "Hi, I'm Diamond."

"I…I'm…I'm Pearl… nice to meet you…"

THE END… Maybe…

Author's Notes: MWAHAHAHAHA! Hi peeps! I never thought I could finish this thing. I mean, I started writing it 8 pm yesterday and it's 6:30 am the next day right now… I didn't sleep at all! So sorry if the fic was sloppy. I didn't really have plans on joining but when I learned that very few people were joining, I decided to give it a shot. (to be the neutralizer) And only some parts of it were planned…and I know the ending sucked… I actually had three plans but this one was the easiest to do. Ok…fine, I know that I'd probably end up in the # 4 or 5 slot (depends on how many are joining) but what a heck! (Hello?!? My opponents are like really sooo very very good!) So there! I hope you enjoyed… Mousse and Shampoo forever!!!

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