411 Locate Locate a Web site or email address by a phone number (enter area code and phone number)
A2Z Categorized directory of the most popular Internet resources by Lycos
Ahoy! Searches for people's personal homepages (Enter last name, first name, institution, and country)
Aliweb Archie-like indexing for the Web
Aliweb Indiana University mirror of the above
Alta Vista Web Search Digital's new search engine (Choose query type: Simple or Advanced)
AOL NetFind America Online's Web Search Engine (Enter multiple keywords)
Argus Clearinghouse A collection of topical guides about Internet information and resources
Ask Jeeves Ask your question in plain English...
CityScape Global On-line Directory

Cyber 411 Search 15 of the top search engines
Debriefing Metasearch of 7 most popular web search engines (also available in French)
devSEARCH A multi-site search for Web developers (separate word & phrases with commas)
DogPile Metasearch of 13 WWW Search engines, 6 Usenet sources, and 2 FTP archives
Ecola's Tech Directory Search for Web sites of technology corporations
Electric Monk A natural langauge front-end to Lycos (Enter your search in plain English)
EuroSeek A European multinational and multilingual search engine.
Excite NetSearch Database of over 1 million Web pages
Excite NetReviews Editorialized review of various Web sites
Fathead Search Engine A search engine for homepages only
Forum One Guide to over 34,000 Online Forum Discussions on the Web
Galaxy Search for WWW, Gopher, and Telnet sites
Goto.com No heirarchies or complex search expressions, just type what you want and goto it.
Guide to Computer Vendors (TM) by SBA * Consulting ® Search thousands of online vendors



Highway 61 Metasearch of 7 most popular web search engines
HotBot Major new search engine from HotWired/Inktomi
I-Explorer A category-based directory of Internet sites
Inference FIND! Parallel search of the best engines, merges results, removes redundancies
InfoSeek (Type your search in plain English or key words and phrases)
InfoSeek Ultraseek InfoSeek's next generation WWW search



Internet.Org Domain Name Database Search the database of Internet sites/domains by a variety of methods
Domain growth by Zip Code

Domain by Name/Location
Domains by Industry Type
IWeb URL Review Database Database of Web site reviews
Jayde Searchable submission directory, over 500,000 entries
JumpCity Database of Web Site reviews



Livelink Pinstripe Open Text's New Business Knowledgebase
LookSmart New search directory backed by the Readers Digest
Lycos "Your Personal Internet Guide" (Select search type)
Magellan: McKinley's Internet Directory Over 30,000 reviewed, rated, and indexed Web pages.

MetaCrawler Multi-Threaded Web Search of 9 major sites
The Mining Co. Search thousands of topics in hundreds of interest areas
Mother-of-All BBS (WAIS client/gateway required)
NetGuide Live Over 50,000 web sites reviewed and rated by NetGuide Magazine
NetMall Directory of Internet-based businesses (Enter one or two search words)
NetSearcher Search Engine for Internet Professionals
New Riders' Official WWW Yellow Pages
NewHoo Community maintained web directory, similar to Yahoo



Northern Light Search Search the WWW and NL's own Special Collection of databases
NorthStar Search WWW document headers
OneKey Smart Search Family-oriented resource library and database of reviewed web sites

Personal Seek Searches for people's personal homepages (Enter city, state, province, country, keyword, etc.)
Point Top 5% Index Search reviews of the Top 5% web sites
PowerCrawler Directory (enter keywords)
ProFusion Meta search of the Web (choose the quantity of engines to search)

RBSE's URL Database Search WWW document full text
Real Name Look up your destination site with its Real Name rather than a URL.
REX - The Internet Resource Exchange
SavvySearch (New) Simultaneous search of almost 20 Internet engines
SavvySearch (Old) Simultaneous search of Internet search engines (Choose number to search)
Search King - Where your vote counts
Search for:And Show
Search! Personal Pages! Database of personal home pages
Snap! New customizable search engine from CNET (Enter search terms)

Starting Point MetaSearch Page

Verio Metasearch Simultaneous search of 8 engines w/ results scored and ranked
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium Information repository about the WWW for developers and users
Wandex net.Genesis Wanderer Index
WebCrawler Search WWW document content
What's New Too! Search new web announcements -- over 700 a day
Who's Who on the Internet Directory of personal home pages
Yahoo (Enter multiple search words)
Yahooligans! The Web Guide for Kids (Enter multiple search words)
YPN - Your Personal Network Search over 30,000 reviews of online service and Internet sites