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Ugly 2

I look in the mirror and what do I see? A face that clearly should be called ugly Too round and pale and filled with pain Too hideous to make you want to look again Except maybe to look and see if anyone could look this bad The way I see myself makes my shining eyes turn sad Hair too thick and damaged and out of control To ever be thought of as beautiful A smile that never to seemed to gleam quite right Everyone else's appeared to be twelve times as bright A body that looks seven on a fourteen year old girl A body that's gotten used to a cruel centered world A body used to torture, taunting, and teasing A heart whose tears never seem to be ceasing And eyes as plain as and flat as a piece of pine And emotions that have never been turned towards the word "fine" A brain who's going from uncomfortable to depression This is all called my "I'll Always Be Ugly" session

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