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Come Back (you've been such a friend)

It's only been a few moments It hasn't been ten minutes But already I'm beginning to know How life feels without you in it And it doesn't feel right It feels nothing but wrong Maybe I'll learn somehow To get along

But until that day comes Until that time arrives I will always carry your photo At my side

And I will tell all I know About the friendship you gave me And what a powerful person you are You were the one who saved me

Saved me from myself And the coldness of the outer world Broke the shell I was in Made me an open girl

Not even a girl, but a woman Who found comfort in herself You always told me I was like no one else

And that made me feel special Like I was one of a kind You said a jewel like me Was so rare and fine

I felt beautiful Like I really was worth something And I send my warmest gratitude When I pray for you every morning

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