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I Don't Wanna Be Alone

I don't wanna be standing outside With my heart open wide Waiting for your arms to surround me I don't wanna be home If it means being alone Not having your love around me

And I wanna feel your pain Hear you say "Hello" once again And I wanna just see oyur face in the glass As on 13th St. my house you pass And I wanna smell your cologne in my house Speak a thousand words as quiet as a mouse And I wanna taste your lips on mine Catch a whiff of your hair one more time

But what I don't want....

I don't wanna be alone I don't wanna hear my tears I don't wanna think about love Cause it reminds me of you And all of the things you used to do I'm trying to live without you

What I'd give to have these little things back Like the feel of your hand on my back And the days when you'd walk me home from school Even the times we would act like fools And the days we spent having fun Those will always be number one To me, to you, to us both I'll never give up hope

I just don't wanna be alone Sitting here without you I've got to find you, make you understand What it's like not to hold your hand

I don't wanna be alone I don't wanna hear my tears I don't wanna think about love Cause it reminds me of you And all of the things you used to do I'm trying to live without you

Now I know, this may sound crazy Thinkin through my mind of hazy Gotta let you know Gotta find a way to you To let you know I don't wanna be alone

I don't wanna be alone I don't wanna be alone I Don't Wanna Be....... Alone

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