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Bugsy's Poetry Paradise

Hey! This is Bugsy, the owner, creator, president, and C.E.O. (haha) of this page! Here, you're gonna get to read some of my poetry. The site will be updated regularly. Hopefully, other people will send in some of their work to be put on this page. So, send in your songs, poetry, and fav lyrics to this page! Otherwise, you'll have to deal with just reading my stuff! Have a peaceful day and happy readin'!

Note: Please do not copy any of what you read here. You all have your own creative minds, this stuff is just here to stimulate them. (1998 this was stated)


Love Songs
Love Poetry
Love Lyrics (to my fav love songs)


Life Poetry
Life Songs
Life Lyrics (lyrics to songs about life)


More Poetry
More Songs (by me and others)
More Lyrics (to songs that don't fit the above two categories)