The Animé Chick
by: Justin Musterman
I'll admit it, I find animé women/girls attractive.
So what? If you find it odd, consider that through the ages, artists
have been
portraying the female form and their portrayals have been of desirable
women. The portrayals that I, and many male Otaku, find so sexy
are animated in Japan. What is it about the animé chicks
that make them so special? First off, the animé chick has
characteristics that no real female could ever compare with, at least
not naturally. This makes them an unattainable goal. To explain
what I mean, I'll draw a couple examples from, first, Yurika of martian
Successor: Battleship Nadesico. Yurika, the object of even her
own father's lust, has features which are not normal, yet are perceived
as attractive. For starters, her hair is a lovely shade of blue.
It's plain as day and must have been intentional,
and yet, as odd as it is, the only thoughts going through a [male] viewer's
mind, such
as my own, are "damn, she's got awesomely beautiful hair; just look
at how it falls around her face accentuating the contours of her
eyes". Only later do you step back and ask yourself if you have
ever see blue hair before. Your answer is, yeah, but never without
of a different color. Now, I mentioned earlier the eyes; the
eyes are a sepcial part of any animé character, but especially an
female one. The color of Yurika's eyes perfectly match the color
of her hair. This is not what is odd, though. Her irises are
so big
it's unreal. If she weren't constantly wide-eyed from naivéty,
the whites of her eyes would barely be slivers. I've seen big, doe
girlsin real life before, but these eyes are ridiculously so.
However, when you are watching an animé, they only add to the female's
irresitability. Next, I will examine the figure (yes, I realize
the puns which can be spun from that). While Yurika's is exceptional
compared to anyone living and breathing, there are even better examples
in the animé world. Cutey Honey, Bloodberry (from Saber
Marionette J), or Naga from the Slayers movie are such examples.
They all follow the Barbie standard of tiny waist, long legs, huge
breasts, and perfect skin.
The physical characteristics are enough to
activate a passive person be arroused to pay attention to an animé
without even opening her
mouth. When they do speak and expose their personality traits,
however, they become that much attractive. The naivé Yurika
or Lime
(from Saber Marionette J), the strong yet sensative Bloodberry, or
any of the ladies chasing Tenchi (from Tenchi Muyo), and even the
anti-lovable Naga are all examples of personalities which have taken
over beautifully drawn characters that made you wish you could
reach into the movie or episode, grab their hand, and bring them into
reality. I must emphasize the point that I am NOT a freak (I
don't get off to hentai or anything of the sort) before closing this
article. I simply wanted to pay hommage to the goddesses (my word
choice is intentional, because I cannot neglect Belldandy or Urd of
Ah! My Goddess) which are the animé chick.