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undefined Evangelion:

Neon Genesis Evangelion was one of the most intense entertainment experiences I have ever seen.
It is truly a series that proves there is non-hentai anime out there that is made for adults. This series
contains dramatic character development, serious situations, and religious/philosophical ideas and
references that one could devote an entire college class to discussing the series alone.
Evangelion is a series that starts the viewer out on what seems to be an easy going anime about kids
with problems and robots and then slowly within the 13 tapes turns into a serious drama that's so in
depth you have to do a double take of the series to make sure you didn't miss anything.

My only complaint about the series was that as the series progressed there was too much
plot/background/storyline literally crammed into the episodes to try and accommodate the immense
storyline in a small amount of episodes. The cramming really became noticeable for tapes 10-13.
Tape 13 being the worse one because it was the end of the TV series, but the episodes on tape 13 to
my understanding were never aired in Japan which meant there were many less confused Japanese
than Americans. Having been fortunate enough to see all Evangelion movies Death and Rebirth,
and End of Evangelion I can honestly say that I understand tape 13, but Evangelion tape 13 is only
truly understandable (at least in my humble opinion) if you watch Death and Rebirth and End of
Evangelion first. This is because the way the series works in chronological order is Eva tapes 1-12,
Death and Rebirth, End of Evangelion, and then tape 13 (The movie Death is a brief summary of
tapes 1-12, therefore it's not totally necessary but if you wish to see it watch it after tapes 1-12).

Donn H.