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Of course, I like Lipgloss; Deep Fried In Kelvin is a bit too long & it reminds me of something by the Stranglers (which is no bad thing, y'know).
You're A Nightmare on the other hand..well. I like the words at least.
BARRY ADAMSON -- Oedipus Schmoedipus:
I suggest this not only for the track Jarvis is on (Set Your Heart For the Controls of the Pelvis), but for the entire experience as well. This is a well written effort, which Request magazine gave a 1-star rating (5 being their highest..that doesn't seem right...I'll have to double check later) for its status as a concept album & a 4-rating for its status as one kick-ass record. I'm sure you've most all heard of it by now, so I'm not going to go into detail about it; I'm just going to say it's good. Get it.
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