Chapter 12
The Nicholes family quickly got out of the parked car and entered the
mall. "MOM, my tummy is so hungry it's singing, can't we get something
to eat, PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE? With sugar on top?", Gwen asked as she put on a
puppy dog face. "Don't you mean growling?",Krissa asked Gwen. "No, I mean
singing! It's sing...I'm just a stomach living in a cavity oh don't let the
mouth have any bites..he he he",Gwen sang with a smile as Kyle looked at the
mall directory. "Oh, Watch out Gwen Stefani here comes Gwen Nicholes...Gwen
u are sooooo CREATIVE, man where do you come up with your material?",Krissa
said with a sarcastic tone. Gwen, knowing she was getting made fun of gave
Krissa the "evil eye". "Okay, we have a bunch of places to eat, where to?",
asked Kyle. The whole group named different places so he chose for them to
eat at Apple Bee's in the mall. The group wandered around the mall as Kyle
and Penny went on and on about "the good old days" in Tulsa. The kids wanted
them to shut-up but the hunger made them lose their senses.
"Man Ike, can't you find a space? Farley can't take it any longer.
NEED FOOD!!!!!",Zac said from the back of the car into Isaac's ear. "Zac
stop talking about Farely for one sec while I try to park. Or do you wanna
drive?",Isaac said as he manuvered his way through the parking lot. "No Ike,
don't let Zac drive or else Sbarro will have a drive-thru.",Taylor said.
"ME DRIVE, ME DRIVE!!",Zac yelled like a mad man. "Someone get him food, or
better yet, Tay, put your sock in his mouth.",Ike said as he saw a parking
spot. "No way, I don't want animal slobber all over my sock!",Taylor replied.
'Yea, and I don't want Taylor's stinky sock in my mouth, Geez, who know's
where's it's been, I WANT FOOD!!!",Zac yelled as Isaac parked the car. Zac
opened the door and jumped out of the car screaming, "THE HUNGER IS KILLING
ME MAN!!", as he fell to the ground as though he was actually dying. "Oh
good, Mackie was just asking if he could take Zac's place in the band. So
now he's got the job!",Isaac said pretending like Zac didn't exisit. Zac
jumped up and yelled, "Well then I guess I'll be joing the Power Rangers!
Wait, they already have a Blue Ranger. How about Batman and the Caped
Crusaders?" "Sorry Zac, Alicia is already Batgirl.",Tay added. Zac stood in
thought behind Isaac and Taylor. Then ran to them and exclaimed, "By George
I think I've got it! I can be my own super hero, and u guys can be my
side-kicks!" Taylor and Isaac sighed in unison. "Ok, I am Hyper Boy, no
HYPER MAN! And Ike, you're, you're, Goofy Stupid..swarn funny man! Tay,
you're Shy Guy, all you have to do is be quiet, that shouldn't be too hard
for you.", Zac said proudly as he ran off "flying" as though he really was
a super hero. "Goofy Stupid? Man Zac, how much sugar have you had today?"
,asked Isaac as the walked toward the mall enterance. "Thanks for the name
Zac, but why Shy Guy? How 'bout something cool, that ends in "Man" since I
am older than you.",Taylor said as he patted Zac on the head. "Well Tay, I
would've called you Shy Girl buy Guy rhymes with Shy..sorry man.",Zac said
as he reached up and patted Taylor on the head. "It's ok Zac, we all make
mistakes, mom and dad for instances, they had you! Just kidding Zac.",Taylor
said. Zac walked away like he was mad and turned around and said in his most
valley girl voice, "WHATEVER!" and made a "W" with his hands. "So you're
Alicia now! Out of the Zord and onto the Batcycle!",Isaac said to Zac. "I
am a man of many names...wait that sounds weird...",Zac said as he ran to
the mall enterance and stopped to think about what he had just said. "It's
ok Zac, I'm sure the sight of food will unscramble your twisted brain.",
Taylor said to puzzled Zac. "No Tay, nothing could unscrew Zac's weird
brain!",Isaac added as Zac rolled his eyes and screamed, "FOOD!" The three
boys familiar with the mall they had been to so many times ran to the food
court, actually it was more like Isaac and Taylor ran after Zac to the food
Speechless(My Hanson Story)
Chapter 13