Chapter 15
"Oh look Tay, it's Claire's! Ike and I'll let you look around for 15
minutes..and ONLY that long! And no ear piercing!",Zac said as he pointed
the Claire's. "Yea, Tay, we wouldn't wanna make Zac jealous!",Isaac said
joking around. "I don't need my ears pierced Ike!",Zac replied. "Oh, yea
I forgot you have stick on earings!",Isaac said patting Zac on the
shoulder. "Hey, who told you said you'd wait until I felt
free to "come out" said we'd do it together!",Zac said playfully.
"Come on you guys." , Taylor replied with a sigh. "Oh well, I guess that
nice green scruchie you wanted will have to wait. KAY-BEE!!" ,Zac said as
he spotted his favorite toy store and ran for it. The boys looked around it
then left, wandered the mall some more and went home.
"Hey Tay, what's been bothering you tonight?" ,Isaac asked as he walked
into Taylor's room. Taylor was sprawled out on his bed, indulged in
thought. "You wouldn't believe me if I told ya." ,Taylor replied with a
sigh. "Well, try me." ,Isaac said as he sat on the edge of the bed. Well,
I swear I saw that girl..Kris eating in Apple Bee's at the mall today. I
know it kinda sounds weird but it's true." ,Taylor said hoping his brother
would believe him. Zac who ofcourse was listening in on the whole conversation
walked into the room. "Awwwwww, how sweet, are my two older sisters having
a little heart to heart chat? Maybe discussing what color make-up to wear
tommorow? I suggest brings out your eyes!" ,Zac said in a girly
voice. Taylor sighed. "No, Tay just thinks he saw that girl..Kris at the
mall, that's all." ,Isaac explained. "No, I KNOW I saw her!" ,Taylor said
stubbornly. "Oh no Tay misses Claire's so much that he's starting to
hallucinate! It's okay Tay, we can go back tommorow and buy you that green
scruchie!" ,Zac said foolishly comforting his brother. Then Zac all of the
sudden hugged Taylor and started to sing "The Sun'll Come Out Tommorow"
"Geez Zac let go of me! I swear you have multiple personalities! Maybe we
should consider getting you checked into the local sanitarium, you'd
be among people JUST like you!",Taylor said moving towards the other side
of the bed. "It's done Tay. The men in white suit are coming to take him
away to his "own kind", they should be here momentarily." ,Isaac said
seriously. "Oh no not the men in white! By the way is one of them Will
Smith 'cuz if it is I'm getting his autograph! Maybe he'll be my in-mate!"
,Zac screeched in joyous delight. He ran around the room making up lyrics
to a song called "The Men in White". "Now you wonder why we call you Prozac
Boy!" ,Isaac said as Zac walked over to him and said, "Well it's Mr. Prozac
Boy to you!" Taylor just sighed and tried to forget about his troubles,
but it didn't work, he knew what he had seen was real.
My Luscious Links
Speechless (My Hanson Story)
Chapter 16