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Chapter 31

"Cake.. Cake?! Where's the Cake? Walker did I forget the cake? Penny have you seen the cake?",Diana exclaimed as she rushed around like a speed demon. "I believe this is what you are looking for..'eh?",Kyle said as held up a large box with a cake inside. "Thank you!!",Diana shouted as she rushed over and took the cake. "We aren't normally this disorganized..honest!",Tay said to Krissa with a smirk. "Yea sure Jordan Taylor Hanson..and Zac doesn't take medication..ha ha",Krissa replied as they both smiled. "Speaking of Zac, where is he anyways?",Ike asked Taylor. "Probably off getting in trouble.",Tay answered. "That kid is a handful isn't he?",Cloe asked. "Ha ha.. more like a dump truck full.",Ike explained. "ZACHARY WALKER HANSON CHICK.. GIVE ME BACK MY WALLFLOWERS CD!!!",Lia screamed as she chased a running Zac across the park. "Zac is up to his mischief again..all is well in the land of Hanson.",Ike confermed. "Just make sure he doesn't touch the matches, sharp objects or anything that could be used as a weapon.",Taylor added. "Akk.. he should hang out with Matti, that'd calm him down, sometimes I wonder if Matti is actually isn't healthy to be that quiet.",Cloe responded. "I heard that!",Matti said as he looked up from the game-boy. "Well kids, since you are the older ones you can go off.. unless you wanna ride ponies and hang out with little 7 and 8 year olds.",Diana said to the group. "PLEASE!! I really wanted to giddy-up!!",Ike exclaimed with sarcasm. Diana just smiled and walked away. "So guys, where do you want to go to?",Krissa asked them. Then suddenly Lia came running towards where they were and sat down. "Back so soon. We were beginning to think that you and Zacharoo had eloped!",Krissa shouted. "Ha ha HA.. he's not even old enough to babysit himself.",Lia responded. "So true.",Taylor said with a laugh as Zac entered. "You stupid little kid!! I can't believe you'd touch the workings of the GREAT JAKOB DYLAN!",Lia said. "Hey he isn't THAT great.. I mean.. oh whatever!",Zac said as he frowned. "Don't worry, he's just teasing 'cuz he likes you.",Ike said as he nudged Zac. "Awww.. how sweet!",Cloe yelped. "Ha ha..not funny.",Zac told Ike. "Whatever.",Lia said as she rolled her eyes. "Well, we WERE in the middle of discussing what this day had planned, let's all suggest one thing, k?",Krissa suggested. "Ok, I can go for that.. good idea Kris.",Tay said as he smiled at Krissa. "I suggest LASER TAG.. it's the awesomest thing in the WHOLE world!",Zac exclaimed with emphasis on 'laser tag'. "I say we go shopping!",Cloe added as Lia said, "Good idea!" "All girls wanna do is SHOP! I want to go see one of the classic movies playing in the old movie theater, they are showing 'Casablanca'.",Taylor told them. "I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Bogart is so kewl! I like the officer dude, he makes me laugh!",Krissa shouted out with too much hyperness. "Well I wouldn't mind getting a few things at the Cd shop and the Music Store, so shopping sounds good.",Ike said. "You just wanna hang-out with Cloe!",Zac exclaimed. "Sooo?",Cloe giggled as she smiled at Ike. "Ok, so Zac,Ike,Cloe and I are going shopping, so Tay and Krissa, you guys are going to the movies ok?",Lia asked. "Uh, yea.. why don't I asked Daniel and Matti if they want to come, ok?",Krissa suggested. "Daniel is with that bubbly chick, and Matti is enthralled with Zac's game-boy.",Ike responded. "Oh, well then, uh ok.",Krissa mumbled. "Well, we'll see you later!",Cloe said as she grabbed Ike's hand and skipped off. "Gosh, I am going to regret this.",Zac muttered. "Hey, if you're lucky we can go visit your family in the PET SHOP Zachy-Boy..ha ha.",Lia laughed. "Have fun kids! Don't get in any trouble!",Penny called out. "Well Tay, where's this illustrious movie theater?",Krissa asked him. "About 4 blocks away, come with me I know a short-cut.",Taylor said as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the corner. "Why don't we just cross at a cross-walk or something Taylor.",Krissa said as she looked at the busy intersection. "It's ok, I cross it all the time, trust me it's gonna be ok. Ok?",Taylor said w/ a side smile and a glint to his eye. How could she ignore his sweet face. "Ok, you win Tay.",Krissa replied. Taylor hurridly ran across the street. Krissa grabbed her necklace and toiled with it. Ever since, the accident, she'd hated crossing busy streets. "C'mon Krissa, right over here! The show starts soon",Taylor screamed from across the street. Krissa quickly walked across the street and stopped dead center as a car swurved and went on the curb, another passed by her other side. "TAYLLLLOOOOORRRR!!!!!!",Krissa screamed as she hurdled through the air and landed on the hot concrete. People got out of their cars and argued as others rushed to the scene. Taylor ran to Krissa's side and held her hand as he cried out, "SOMEONE GET HELP!!!!! SOMEONE!! PLEASE!!" He grabbed her hand and held it tight and whispered, "Kris don't leave, it's gonna be ok, please be ok.." as tears poured from his eyes like a dripping faucet. "",Krissa whispered as her head fell back. "Krissa, it's going to be ok.. don't leave me please.",Taylor said to her as he bowed his head and the world blurred together through his tearful eyes.

My Giddy Links

Chapter 32
