"Dad,do you have a pen? Zac's just fell through the crease in the seat and we can't get it.",Isaac Hanson asked his dad Walker as the sat in the van on the way to the mall. Walker searched his pockets then handed it to Taylor,who handed to Isaac,who gave it to Zac,who put it behind his ear. "Zac,pleace don't lose that pen.",Walker told Zac. "Well if we know Zac he'll probably eat it.",Taylor said playfully to Zac. As soon as Zac heard Taylor's comment Zac put the pen between his teeth and said, "MMM.. delicious,but it could use a little bit of salt." The van stopped and everyone got out of the parked van. The group went ahead while Isaac trie to fix his hair in the rear view mirror of the van. As he was doing so Taylor and Zac ran back to him and Zac said, "Come on Ikey Poos,we're gonna be late,if you wanted your hair to look good you should've borrowed one of Tay's headbands. Then you would've looked as pretty as Tay!" Taylor was standing right next to Zac when he said that so he smacked Zac on the head (not very hard). Isaac turned and looked at Zac and replied, "Zac,no one could look as pretty as Tay!",Taylor gave Isaac a nudge then the three brothers ran to catch up with their manager, bodyguard,and father. They all went inside and entered the mall, fortunately the back entrance lead them to a deserted part of the mall so they weren't mobbed. As soon as Zac entered the mall he saw dozens of flyers hanging up so he ran to check them out. Zac saw a flyer with his picture on it so he ripped it off the wall and read it,as did his brothers. Then Zac sarcastically remarked, "You know this is sooooooo funny..ha ha ha!" He lifted up the flyer and showed it to everyone and in an uppity tone said, "You know this picture does not show my good side at all, it should've been more like this..." and Zac made a silly face,as usual. Taylor and Isaac looked up from their flyers at Zac and just smiled while their manger,bodyguard,and dad ripped off as many flyers as possible in disgust. Isaac then broke their silence and said, "This guy,Kris,probably hates us because his girlfriend is a big fan,that's all,I mean we've got much worse in the mail." Eventhough he said this to comfort Taylor and Zac he was still really mad. He hated Kris and would stop at nothing to find out who he was, and to tell him off.
Taylor looked at his flyer in embarassment. Although he knew of his partial feminine looks,he didn't like them being brought to attention, especially in this sort of way. As Taylor looked over the flyer that he held Zac pionted at the picture on Taylor's flyer and said, "You know Tay,that picture would've been much prettier if you had worn a headband." after Zac spoke he let out a huge smirk. Taylor just walked away,he normally joked about his girlish looks but today he was really fed up with all the stupid remarks. Zac ran up to Taylor and gave him a huge hug and said, "Sorry for the girl remarks Tay! I LOVE YOU MAN!!" Taylor and Isaac eventually got Zac off. Taylor then replied to Zac, "It's okay. Just don't give me anymore hugs. Or else I'll have to shoot you like Old Yeller" and then smiled. "Hey Tay,can I do the honors?",Isaac asked jokingly. "Oh no not that!",said Zac as he purposely fell to the ground like he'd been shot. "Come on boys stop fooling around or else we'll be late!",Hanson's manager yelled to the brothers. Isaac and Taylor helped Zac up and then they ran up to their manager. The boys arrived at the center of the mall and they were soon mobbed as Zac yelled out, "HIT THE DECKS!!!!" Their manager,father,and bodyguard successfully guarded them and so Hanson got to the autographing table in perfect shape. At exactly 2 o'clock the Hanson brothers started signing autographs as Walker went to find the manger of the mall and as her about the flyer incident. The 3 got many questions about the flyers and they answered them as best they could. These questions were most embarassing to Taylor because he didn't like talking about his girly looks, eventhough Zac did most of the talking. But despite the remarks and questions Taylor just kept on signing and smiling as his anger against Kris built up more with every flyer comment.
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