"Hey Lia, how's it going this is Kris.",Krissa said into the phone to her friend. "Okaly dokaly man. So why'd ya call?",Lia asked Krissa. "Well this weekend instead of staying at my house we're gonna go on a little trip, we'll be staying in a hotel.",Krissa told Lia. "Where are we going man. Mars?",Lia asked jokingly. "Um, my parents hometown, they have to go to a class reunion thing.",Krissa told her. "And where is their hometown Kris?",Lia wondered. "Actually I don't know, my parents don't really talk about their childhood much.",Krissa answered her as she wondered where they were going. "Well, I guess we'll find out tommorow! Until then, Peace! NIGHT MAN!",Lia said as she hung-up the phone to tell her parents the new plans. "Bye Lia.",Krissa responded as she hung up the phone and went on packing. For the rest of the evening she wondered where she'd be going the next day. Krissa would've asked her family but they were so busy she didn't wanna bother them.
"Krissa come downstairs it's time to go!",Kyle yelled upstairs. The Nicholes kids piled into the minivan waiting for Penny,Kyle, and Krissa so they could go. Krissa ran down the stairs and outside and put her stuff in the back and got in. Kyle and Penny stood on the front porch as Kyle locked the front door and Penny went over her list of stuff to remember with Kyle. Finally Kyle and Penny got into the car and they were on their way. They drove down the street and stopped in front of Lia's gray and brick house. Krissa got out of the minivan and walked to the front door of Lia's house to get Lia. Lia came running to the front door. "Morning Kris! Hold on while I get my stuff..Oh Tay?",Lia said as she opened the front door. Lia ran into the kitchen and got her huge bag, she always packed more than she needed. Lia grabbed her bag and the two girls walked outside, Krissa walked to the minivan as Lia locked the door to her house. Lia followed Krissa and jumped into the minivan and the Kyle drove away.
After listening to Lia carry on and on about their friend Steph's crush on Adam, their other friend, Krissa finally spoke up. "Hey mom,exactly where are we headed too?",Krissa asked Penny. "Come on Kris, where did mom and dad grow up?",Matti said to Kris as he paused his game gear game. "Kris, think real hard..",Cloe erged Krissa. "Um...Mars?", Krissa said with a foolish smile. "Kris, mom and dad are from Tulsa.. Oklahoma..",Daniel said as he rolled his eyes. "You're going to love Tulsa Krissa, the people there are so nice, I wish we brought you guys there sooner.",Penny said with a huge smiled on her face. As soon as Krissa heard the words, Tulsa Oklahoma, her stomach ached. Krissa thought to herself, 'Out of all the places to go to I have to go to Tulsa,just my luck, why me? why me? geez.' Krissa gazed out the window thinking of her misfortune as Gwen sang the words of "Just A Girl" out loud.
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