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Crash Info

Ok .. Most of the stuff about me you already know other then whats happened sence i crashed my car ..

I crashed my 87 Chevy Cavalier on Tolgate rd. in Belair Md on march 13th 2002 at 11:30 pm ..
I lost control in a sharp turn becouse i was driveing too fast for the road conditions and the tires on my car we bad becouse i wouldn't replace them while people were still flattening the tires..
From what I was told I hit a couple trees before I hit the one that stoped me at a rate of speed high enough to send every thing that was in the truck flying out the front windsheald .. and push the motor into the cockpit of the car ..

It broke my leg in about 7 peaces my jaw in two peaces and cut me up pritty bad .. they put me back togather with plates and screw's so if what they say is true the legs unbrakeable now and so is the jaw .. too look at the pictures of the car I can not even figure out how I lived through it and no one else can either from what they tell me..
It did change my out look on near death experance thats the next page to go on here .. I am getting better alot faster then what was expected .. I can walk to a point now and my jaw is fine now except I can't feel it wich is intresting to say the least *L* ..
We have all had a leg or an arm fall asleep atleast once .. Well that is sort of what it feels like ..

A lot of good things came out of crashing that car.. One I don't have to put gas in it anymore or replace the tires now *L* .. I have a difrent out look on death for two .. I found out who my real friends are and who I can count on .. I replaced my Cavalier with a 91 mustang I am sure i will enjoy driveing it alot better *L* .. So I am doing better then can be expected .. it is driveing me nuts that I can not work atm and they are not sure when I will be able to go back to work but I am still getting paid so I guess I can not complain about that much *L* . So that explains what happened ..

I'll have picture on here soon of the car and maybe one of me :)