I've never been a pet person. Mostly because I'm cursed and it's better for the animals well being to be as far away from me as possible.
Technically this wasn't MY pet, but we had a budgie. She got some foot disease and got hit on the head.
Pet 1: when I was around 8 or 9 I got a bunny and called it Pinky. Things were going great til one day Lance finds a half-blind rottweiler pup and brings it home. It grew up to think it was a rabbit, but it got bigger and one day killed my rabbit. Mum picked me up from school to tell me. Needless to say I hated the dog for a while.
Pet 3: While in Port Hedland I got a kitten. I think I had it a week at the most. Lance wouldn't let me have it in the caravan..so one night it got killed by 2 dogs from the neighbouring fire station.
Pet 4: Setting - Darwin. Got 2 cats this time, one was mine. Called it Felix. She had 3 litters, they were all so cute! Had her almost 2 years when the dog from the house behind us killed her while trying to protect her kittens. The other cat ran away about a year before.
When we got back to Perth mum got another kitten, which got ran over. She then got finches, the male was a total psycho and hated me..went beserk whenever I walked into the room. Not that I cared..it wasn't mine.
Enter new pet..for an early xmas present I got a rat. I wanted one for years but mum refused..but then she got me one. Lance insisted it was male. I was going to call it Gizmo cos it hated the light, but Hairy kind of stuck. Months later I found out she was actually a girl. I couldn't exactly go changing her name! We have lots in common..ew both hate light..we both sneeze far too much..and we love junk food. Mum pointed out after a while that it helped my depression, but it also proved that I should NEVER have children! The stress would kill me... First thing I freaked about was this red stuff around her nose. Took her to a vet and said it wasn't blood but prolly something she got from the bedding I was using. Then this year, as if enough hadn't gone wrong already, she gets a tumour on her leg. Got it operated on and she had to spend a week with a head collar. All traumatising for her. But now it's about 2 months and I've found another..I'm not dealing with it at all well. It's hard not to get upset. You look after for something you tend to get attached. I'm not ready to part with her. Yes I'm selfish..bite me
Which is why in the future I'd rather have a fish(thats if someone feels the need to buy me an animal) because there is absolutely no way to get emotionally attached to one!
I really must go to bed now...