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Name: Kevin the Fruitiest of Fruits
Personal ad line: "I am not a fruit!" and "I have one word for you: Foreplay"
Age: The number of steps a slinky can travel without stopping
Height: 6 feet and counting
Sexual Orientation: Why do you want to know which way I swing, baby?
Religion: Atheist Episcopalian (I’m not sure if that’s the same as just being Episcopalian.)
Location: Another "town" made by the post office.
Fun Fact: Tori Amos is breathing!
Hobbies: Altoids, fruits, carrot porn, computer programming, pretending not to look at Dan’s ass, photography, Save Ferris, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Sarah McLachlan, movies, radio, Keesh (plural for Koosh), astronomy, drama, pretending to believe in God, flirting, and being the straightest fruit this side of the Mississippi.
Favorite Quotes: "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA DO?! I'M GONNA REPRODUCE THAT PICTURE WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT OF THE ARTIST. HAHAHAHAAAAA," "I love the bean bags you gave me. I named them Huey, Dewy, and Boutros Boutros Ghali."- Devon da Man
"That makes no sense. Neither does your mom. That's because she gets tipped in dollars."- That Guy
"DAMN! I have a really nice ass."- Dan
"'Well, I'll just give this guy a ride'. Hold on - that's getting a little too close for my taste even. - Couldn't you at least wear a loincloth?" - XXX Carrot Webmaster
"Your thesis for the Extended Essay is whether or not Bert and Ernie are gay." "There's no such thing as cheating. It's cooperative learning."-- You Know Your in IB if
