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Tink the Bubbly Mouse

Name: Tink the Bubbly Mouse
Personal Ad Line: Rember, good things come in small packages
Age: Young at heart (And I am finally 4 years old:)
Height: Tall enough!! (but a foot shorter than my boyfriend)
Sexual Orientation: Straight but curious
Religion: Catholic and don't give me any shit
Location: In a land far, far away...
Fun Fact: I am an Honorary Blonde!
Hobbies: Tom Cruise (remind you of anyone?), nail polish, talking on the phone,
nail polish on the phone, field hockey, braiding my hair, guy-watching, being spastic, Nixon, breathing, starting rumors :)
driving, bothering people at work
Turn-ons: Marshmallow Creme, hot tubs, great hugs
Favorite Quote: "It's not a party until something gets broken" ~Alex

"Of course it's hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it.
It's the hard that makes it great" ~A League of Their Own

"Rumors? What rumors?" ~Everyone:)

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Email: Me!