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Personality Quiz

Please score your own test. If you don't, it won't get scored. :)
1) How often do you throw things?
a) only in a softball game
b) only when necessary
c) only when there's something to be thrown
d) every other time there's something to be thrown
2) The animal you most identify with is:
a) a hyper little bunny
b) a fish
c) a lemming
d) a cat
3) Your favorite color is:
a) bright pink
b) green
c) black
d) blue
4) Your favorite pastime is:
a) going to dance clubs
b) playing tennis
c) hiding from society
d) writing poetry
5) Your favorite author is:
a) Dr. Seuss
b) Danielle Steel
c) Franz Kafka
d) Dorothy Parker
6) Your favorite movie is:
a) Mary Poppins
b) Jurassic Park
c) The Bell Jar
d) Little Women
7) Your favorite day of the week is:
a) Sunday
b) Friday
c) Munsday
d) Thursday
8) Your favorite place to shop is:
a) Bloomy's
b) The Limited
c) Hot Topic
d) The Express
9) At Starbucks you get:
a) Vanilla frappachino
b) The day's special
c) Anything strong and black
d) Cafe mocha
10) The character from Winnie the Pooh you most identify with is:
a) Tigger
b) Pooh
c) Eeyore
d) Piglet

If you got mostly a's -- you are very happy.
If you got mostly b's -- you are very normal.
If you got mostly c's -- you are depressed.
If you got mostly d's -- you are manic-depressive.
