Dictionary of Topper
Barge, the n. See "flaming-vibrating-lucitania"
Big Note, the n. Any one of several small spiral notebooks used for writing notes back and forth in class. See also: Notebook Anthology, the.
bitch-(name of sport or game) n. Game that Slique & Desdemona have altered to include more violent/sexual content ex. bitch-pong
blowing on a clarinet v. Giving a blow job so well that it becomes an art
buddy n. Someone whose underwear you have seen.
BWAH-HA-HA-HA! interj. Origin: Formulak for "I'm going to get you" 1. Expression of evil. 2. Evil, cackling laugh as performed by Formulak.
chemistry n. 1. not physics... 2. The place where you "hit quickies." See also "darkroom chemistry"
Chris n. Gender nonspecific scary, horny stalker person with a "talent" for lust letters
cool beans adj. outstanding!
cranberries n. ....i like cranberries.....
Dannan. The biety resulting from the merging of Slique & Julie
Dannaism n. Religion worshiping Danna
Dannon n.,adj. 1. A yogurt with slogans "taste why it's Dannon" and "fruit on the bottom", 2. the merging of Slique & Desdemona, 3. orgininating from the minds of Slique & Desdemona ex. Dannon Scrabble, see bitch-(name of sport or game)
darkroom chemistry n., v. What happens when photographers fall for each other (before the heart puree, acute break-up, and bitter, spiteful state of being ex's)
defenestrateOh, come on. This is a real word. Go look it up.
demon-boy n. See "satan"
emotion n. Agitation or disturbance of the mind, vehement or excited mental state. It is also a powerful and irrational master
fag-up v.To dress up extravagantly like a queen; See also "gay-walking"
fenestrate v. To sit exactly in a window frame
flaming-vibrating-lucitanian.bChristine's death-trap chariot of Topper; see "Barge, the"
flavor ice n. You know...you rip off the top and suck.
friend n. Someone who's frontal bra area you've seen.
friff excl. Used for something that upsets a person, but not enough to waste a good "FUCK!" on
fruit loop, the n. Dupont Circle, the gay mecca of the D.C. Metro Area
gay-walking v. To prance around a gay neighboorhood; to flame; See also "fag-up"
Notebook Anthology, the n. 1.Cross between a Topper-centered yearbook and somebody's messed up idea of an art journal. 2. A large version of the Big Note.
IB n. Institution of so-called "learning" with a ridiculous amount of work, but an interesting place to meet people
I'm impressed excl. on her what?!?
intelligentsia n. happy, sheltered land of attempted intellectual stimulation where the people who are evil are because they like it, not only because they're too ignorant to do anything else
mamana-ism n. 1. English word or tense that doesn't exist, used in class by our psych teacher who doesn't realize that it is wrong and who we surmise does not have a first language. example: "extrenuous" variables 2. Any wrong word or tense used by a Topperite without immediately realizing that it is wrong example: "Switzerlish"
meep excl. Used to express cuteness, meekness, or to fill a lull in conversation
meh excl. Used to express confusion, tiredness or an odd mood
mif excl. Used to express confusion, meekness, or frustration
mrrff excl. Used to express emotionally-based sexual frustration due to lack of contact with one's whatsit or crush
mrp interj. Expression of sympathy, confusion, or fright ex. mrp! don't kill me...
moles n. yeeeeees. mooooooooooles.
normal adj. 1. Not in the intelligentsia. 2.Societal conformist 3. ignorant, stubborn, bigoted, and afraid of thought
pal n. Someone who's bra-strap you have seen
photography n. You know! Photography! A nudge is the same as a wink to a blind bat!
photogramy n. Like photography, but it sounds more obscene ex. "tongue necessary", "Sharon just gives really good head"
punchy adj.,adv. State of mind caused by sleep deprivation in which the subconscious gains control over the physical functions of the body. ex. "I'm sorry I just banged your nose into your locker; I'm just REALLY punchy!"
rainbow n. 1. Symbol of queer pride 2. Symbol of not knowing you're wearing the symbol of queer pride
refenestrate v. To throw someone IN a window
satan n. Tyler D***d T******k (to "protect" the "innocent," we've bleeped out part of his name)
she's going to play with herself excl. She's going to drama rehearsal by herself...we hope.
shmoopy adj.,adv.. State of mind, similar to horny, with a less agressive, more cuddley connotation
shmugged adj.,adv. State of mind caused by sleep deprivation in which fatigue and severe irritability occur; often enhanced by the use of the drug, Claritin
show v. Verb not allowed in any kind of IB paper, forcing you to find ludicrous synonyms: advertise, demonstrate, display, evoke, exhibit, explicate, express, illustrate, point out, portray, raise the question of, represent, reveal, etc...
take off their hats n. popes in a Volkswagon!
taking a shower v.To have a succession of partners in one evening
ter pron. Possessive form of tey
tey pron. Singular, gender non-specific person
Topper n. 1. A locker cluster near the IB office (usually referred to as "Old Topper" 2. a locker cluster in the senior hallway, right next to the big supporting-the-military-government-in-Burma machine 3. the website of its inhabitants
Topperite n.,adj. of Topper, its inhabitants or in that clique.
Tori Amos n. 1. someone who is breathing 2. a friend of ours who happens to be the greatest musician of all time (no relation to the British political party or the ugly bitch on 90210; relation to Japanese spiritual gateways still being explored)
tying another's shoes v. To give a blow job.
ultra-(buddy etc...) n. Someone whose underwear you would have seen...except tey wasn't wearing any
Vivarin n. 1. Pretty yellow caffeine pills. 2. Salvation.
Welbutrin n. Anti-depressant that comes in big, orange 75mg pills or little, sky-blue 100mg pills; Also known as Zyban, used to quit smoking by getting people so high that they won't realize they're in withdrawal
whatsit n. One's partner; term does not imply gender, orientation, legal documentation, monogamy, purpose etc...
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