Pre-Competition Press Conference

Weiss on goals for this season:

"Capturing the attention of the judges early in the year was important last year. Now that I am one of the world medalists, in order to move up, I have to not only get their attention but win the events. If I want to be a World Champion at the end of the year, (the judges) will have to know that I beat these skaters throughout the year."

"Skate America is always a great competition. Last year, the medalists at Skate America were right up there at the World Championships. The same thing will be true this year. It's a good chance to feel out the competition."

Weiss on his personal life affecting his skating:

"Anytime you have a happy individual, you have a happy athlete. Things have been going so well in my personal life it has carried over to my skating."

Weiss on the quad jumps:

"It's in my arsenal if I need it. Right now you seem to be rewarded for skating cleanly. One quad and eight triple jumps is probably going to be the World Champion. Quad-triple is something a lot of the skaters are really going after right now. It's one step up from last year. And the quad in the short."

Weiss on his short program (On the Waterfront):

"It's a very dramatic, fighting type program. It's fun for me to do."

Weiss on his long program (Carmen):

"I've skated to so many types of music like Santana and Beethoven, but not to classic skating music. Carmen is a classic program, and I want to show I can pull it off. A lot of ladies have skated to it, but very few men. I chose it to show I can do different things."

"Versatility is important to my skating. I don't want to be typecast. So I am broadening my artistry by skating to different music."

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