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Congratulations Mike!

Annie Mae Weiss Was born Tuesday, September 22th, at 2:13 in the morning. She weighed in healthy at 8 lbs 6 ounces and measured 21 and a quater inches! Annie has brown hair like Michael and dimples like Lisa.

"We are so incredibly happy and excited to become parents and thankful Annie Mae is healthy....For us this is life's gold medal."

According to Advantage International, Mike is the proudest father in the world. He has followed Annie everywher with the video camera. And yes, Annie Mae has taken her first trip to the rink where her daddy trains in Fairfax.

Mike's Mom Margie said: "We decided Mike should have a kid every week, because he has skated clean shorts and longs all week complete with quads. He missed only one morning practice and Annie Mae joined him at the rink on Monday to watch Daddy skate. Daddy loves his little girl and is already and expert at changing diapers. He sleeps soundly through all her feedings."

Thanks to Chris for the inside info Email Chris at

Visit my page about when I met Michael's family (including Annie) at the World Pros!

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