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Michael is going to be a father again!

It's a boy

"The biggest highlight of the summer for me was going to the doctor to find out the sex of our new baby, to be born end of October- early November. IT’S A BOY!!!!! We were both very excited to find out that it is healthy and on schedule." Quote from Michael's Home Page

Lisa Weiss also informed me that the baby is to be named Christopher Michael Weiss.

Michael Weiss and Lisa Thorton Weiss are expecting their second child who is scheduled to arrive the last week of October or early November according to his mom, Margie Weiss. "Yes, this is pretty neat. They are telling me to trade in my car for a van so I can handle four car seats for all four of our grandchildren this fall," she said. Weiss and his wife have a daughter named Annie Mae born last September and his sister Geremi has a daughter Summer and a son Shane. "Both Mike and Lisa are very excited and they wanted their family close together and close in age to Gerami's kids. Annie Mae and this new baby will be about 13 months apart," she said. His other sister Jenna is getting married in May. Weiss will miss only three shows on the Tom Collins' John Hancock Champions on Ice tour due to this family wedding. "Mike really enjoys skating on that tour because they treat the skaters very professionally and very well," said Margie Weiss.

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