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Michael Weiss held a teleconference on Tuesday, January 19 that was sponsored by the USFSA to promote the upcoming 1999 State Farm U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Salt Lake City, Utah. The USFSA plans to announce its roster for the 4 Continents Championships to be held Feb. 21-28 in Halifax, Canada on Sunday, February 14 when these championships conclude.

When asked about young skaters trying the quad in the short program, Weiss counsels, "The judges really reward a well-balanced program and I think some of the younger skaters will see that maybe not trying the quad before you are ready but instead skating a clean short program with perhaps triple Axel-triple toe and other triple jumps integrated throughout the short program (is the way to go.) Maybe they will see the other skaters doing that and being rewarded for a more balanced and entertaining program, as opposed to just trying the difficult quadruple jump and not having a well-balanced program."

Weiss has been training two different short programs to different music this season. At the U.S. Championships, he plans to use his Van Halen medley program. "I have had a plan all year of skating very consistent, clean short programs. I have been doing that all year and I feel that is something I have improved on. I am able to include 4 triples in the short program and it has paid off for me. I won the short program at Trophee Lalique," he said. Since Weiss is a big Van Halen fan, this program motivates him on the ice. He uses three songs for this program: 'Right Now', 'Jump' and ends with 'Summer Night'.

Later in the season, we may see his other short program with the quad to music from "Immortal Beloved" at either the World championships or the Grand Prix final. I am not leaving it (the quad) out of the options," said Weiss. "It is a condensed version of my long program to Beethoven and it has some different things. I strive for versatility. Beethoven was one of my favorite programs that I really enjoyed skating to and something I can relate to. I have done a quad in that program before which makes me a little more comfortable and confident with that (program)," he said.

He does have the quad planned in his free skating program to the soundtrack for Mulan for the upcoming competitions. "After I did that Mulan special, I got really into the character and I wanted a program where I could get into the character. Mulan provided that for me. This past month we have really been working a lot on facial expressions and characters throughout the program. Hopefully people will notice a difference at Nationals," said Weiss.

"In the freeskating program, we are all going for 8 triples and a quad. All of us are going for the same goal and trying to win. When you go into an event, you go into it to win. I don't go into an event hoping to be fourth, third or second. That may wind up happening but you always go in trying to win," he said.

Weiss says he began work on the quads four year ago and did a lot of off ice preparation for learning quads first to avoid injuries. Although his quad attempts have not yet been ratified by the USFSA, Weiss considers his first major competition quad to have been landed at the 1997 Nationals.

"I don't feel any extra pressure for this year's nationals. For the past two years I have prepared properly and skated up to the way I wanted to and skated the best that I can. I am going to go out there and skate the same way this year…I am ready to go take over the title," he said.

I am not placing as much emphasis on the Nationals championships this year. I am looking at it as a stepping stone on to the world championships. I think in the past, I overlooked some other events and made nationals my priority. But this year, I want it to be another stair on my way to the World championships," said Weiss.

"There are so many events out there, you cannot do them all. You have to prioritize. I really made the Grand Prix events a priority for me. I wanted to start the season off well at Skate America because I knew there was going to be some tough competition there…My goals for the Pro-opens were more to work on the entertainment value of my skating. The national championships, grand prix final and worlds are my three biggest events, so I am going to take those seriously and try to finish the year strong," he said.

"Being a father has not distracted me from skating. I have always been a family man. Before it was the support of my parents and sisters, but now I have my own family now, too. It has brought a new joy and excitement to our life. We have been blessed that Annie Mae has been an easy traveler," said Weiss. Both grandmothers help out with keeping Annie Mae in the next room, at competitions so Weiss can rest but still spend time with his daughter.

Despite new motherhood, his wife Lisa continues to work with Weiss as one of his choreographers. She worked on the Val Halen program, the Beethoven program and helped polish Mulan. She will also be working on some exhibition program for Weiss.

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